Coronavirus. The Calabrian scientific informant died

Avevamo sperato fino all’ultimo che l’ISF di Rende potesse salvarsi. Anche ieri sera quando ci avevano riferito che il quadro clinico si era aggravato. Purtroppo è morto questa mattina alle 7 e 30 all’ospedale all’Annunziata di Cosenza.

We had hoped it was a new hoax, sadly this time it's true. my colleague Paolo O. left us this morning. Hospitalized for days due to the worsening of Covid 19 which he had probably contracted during a conference.

In recent days, his health conditions have never shown signs of improvement and so this morning the clinical picture, compromised by a previous cardiac pathology, became fatal.

The news was confirmed by the head of the complex operating unit of Anesthesia and Intensive Care (Intensive Care) of the hospital, Pino Pasqua.

Anche la moglie, positiva, è in ospedale. Si tratta della seconda vittima in Calabria dopo quella accertata nel comune di Montebello Jonico, centro reggino chiuso da un’ordinanza della presidente della Regione Jole Santelli.

Deeply moved by the fatal news and disconcerted by a tragedy that could have been avoided, it was enough to respect the people, we send our condolences to the family and our most sincere wishes for recovery to his wife.

The Mayor of Rende, Marcello Manna, declared: “È il momento della riflessione e del silenzio per chi non è più tra noi. La nostra comunità si stringe al dolore della famiglia del nostro concittadino spirato at the Annunziata hospital.

Our condolences in such a difficult time and the promise, to those who experience the tragedy up close of not even being able to mourn their loved one, to continue in strict compliance with the rules in force today.

For our sake and that of our city.

Solo uniti possiamo farcela, mai come ora dobbiamo dimostrare responsabilità verso noi stessi e verso i nostri cari”.

(From local sources)

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