Cattani (Farmindustria), the pharmaceutical industry is "green"

Statement by President of Farmindustria, Marcello Cattani for World Environment Day

Ufficio Stampa Farmindustria – 5 giugno 2023

"The pharmaceutical industry, according to Istat data, is the first sector for sustainability actions, largely thanks to the attention and commitment to the environment". This was stated by the president of Farmindustria Marcello Cattani, on the occasion of the World Environment Day which occurs today.

“In the last 10 years in Italy – he continues – companies have reduced the energy consumption of 44%, but if we consider the relevant consumption for atmospheric emissions, the reduction is even equal to 51%. Results achieved thanks to growing investments in green technologies. It is no coincidence that investments in environmental protection per employee are equal to 150% of the national average and higher than 200% for those in technologies aimed at preventing pollution, which eliminate or reduce pollution at the source of the production process.

The 88% of pharmaceutical companies also expects to reduce the waste produced in the next three to five years, while the 55% is already committed to eliminating the use of plastic at every stage of the production process”. Without forgetting, points out Cattani – “that companies now have systems for monitoring the environmental impact with specific indicators.

And – again according to Istat data – the pharmaceutical industry is the sector with the highest percentage of companies to have introduced innovations to reduce the consumption of materials or water per product. A set of concrete actions, which make us particularly proud, to give our contribution in the process of ecological transition and in achieving the objectives of the UN 2030 Agenda".

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