Catania. Solidarity Easter for the children of pediatric oncology. Among the donors AIISF Catania

Rain of eggs and gifts to Garibaldi Nesima

CATANIA – Solidarity Easter at the Garibaldi hospital in Nesima. In the presence of the president of the V Town Hall Angelo Patanè and the councilors Giovanni Trovato and Santo Musumeci, the whole Council of the V Town Hall delivered chocolate eggs to the doctors and nurses of the Pediatrics department of the Garibaldi hospital.

Antonino Palermo did the honors and thanked the directors of the V Municipality for the noble gesture towards the young patients. This year, due to the restrictions due to the coronavirus emergency, the eggs were not donated directly to the children, but delivered to the medical staff gathered in the reception of the Etna hospital.

“The initiative that is repeated every year – underlines the president, Angelo Patanè – aims to give a moment of joy to the little ones and make the local institutions feel close to the children's families. The gesture also fills the hearts of us who donate".

An authentic rain of gifts and chocolates that gave a smile to those who will be forced to spend the festivities related to the Resurrection away from their loved ones. “We are grateful – said Fabrizio De Nicola, general manager of Arnas Garibaldi – to those who have had a thought for our children hospitalized in paediatrics. The spontaneity and sensitivity of the people of Catania has no solution of continuity. We have seen it in this emergency linked to Covid and we continue to see it even on these festive occasions".

Among the associations that have made donations are the associations “Rinascendo”, “Unitalsi”, “Abio” and “Insieme si può Insieme di deve”, the Federation of Pharmaceutical and Parapharmaceutical Scientific Information Associations, the councilors of the V Municipality of the Municipality of Catania, the "Ontario" Company and the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George, the boys of the 2nd B class of the "Boggio Lera" Institute, the fans of the Catania stadium Mrs. Elizabeth McCarrone.


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