Own in my last post I wrote, once again, about the "oddities" concerning the pharmaceutical industries and their overwhelming power. I explained how two exactly the same products, just because one is used by the ophthalmologist and one by the ENT, have very different costs. Even more strange is the fact that the one with the lowest cost, the eye drops, has a greater sterilization system which should increase the price.
Blog di Domenico de Felice – Il Fatto Quotidiano – 17 maggio 2019
That's right in these days we discover that the pharmaceutical malfeasance involves some well-known manufacturers of genericswho have inflated the prices of more than a hundred drugs up to 1000%. Prosecutors in 44 US states have sued several pharmaceutical companies, including Teva, Pfizer, Novartis and Mylan.
But to put even more meat on the fire (will the minister wake up?) I found out how the difference in cost, with the same active ingredient, also manifests itself for the therapies of our animalsdomestic. Thus we discover that an antibiotic for human use, Augmentin 12 tablets from one gram, costs 10.20 euros, but if it becomes for veterinary use, Synulox Vet 500 milligrams, the dosage is halved and increased
Giulia Grillo, we still have the opportunity to throw money at healthcare to make them earn to the pharmaceutical industries, accomplices the doctors of humans and animals? Giulia Grillo, would you like to intervene and ask doctors for guidance on the dangers of pharmaceutical industry products, which obviously cost much more than well-known drugs both in terms of therapeutic efficacy and complications? Giulia Grillo, because she doesn't intercede with Aifa? Giulia Grillo, let's change before or after European elections? Are we sure about the change? Are we sure we only want to look at the next elections and not at the next generations? For now I think you should go to an honest and careful ophthalmologist to see further.
Every now and then someone wakes up and decides to attack me ??♀
L’ultimo della serie mi ha addirittura presa di mira perché non avrei fatto nulla contro lo strapotere di Big Pharma.
Here, the facts are quite different and I limit myself to pointing out just a couple of initiatives that my staff and I have carried out with great commitment.
Siamo riusciti a chiudere dopo 7 anni la vicenda del payback obbligando le case farmaceutiche a pagare 2,5 miliardi di euro che finiranno nelle casse dello Stato e lunedì 22 presenteremo all’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità una risoluzione per chiedere a tutti i Paesi del mondo di pretendere la trasparenza nelle contrattazioni dei prezzi dei farmaci, garantendo così più equità e meno discrezionalità da parte dei produttori che ora possono fare il bello e il cattivo tempo sul prezzo dei medciinali.
Questi sono i fatti. Il resto è puro attacco personale che certo stona con le numerose richieste di incontro ricevute dall’autore dell’articolo
Ed: Gent.le ministro Grillo, intanto che c’è, provi a dare un occhiata allo stato dell’informazione scientifica del farmaco. Saprà che la materia è regolamentata dal D.Lgs. 219/06, sistematicamente inosservato. Tanto inosservato che Farmindustria e Sindacati hanno istituito un “tavolo tecnico” per stabilire se è il caso che il CCNL osservi la legge in vigore dal 2006. Chi controlla se effettivamente gli ISF dipendono dal Servizio Scientifico e non dal Marketing, come vuole la legge? Ci sono poi una miriade di figure non ISF
We understand that in the face of the very serious health problems it has to face, the problem of the ISF may appear of little importance. But is not so. Scientific Representatives (the real ones) represent a continuous and irreplaceable source of news for the doctor. Each individual informant is, in relation to his own sector, an expert capable of reporting to the doctor all the baggage of experience relating to the specialties covered by his activity. His work is aimed at making doctors aware of the characteristics and properties of medicines, in order to ensure their correct use in the exclusive interest of patients.
It is also the duty of the Scientific Pharmaceutical Representative to report to the Head of the Scientific Service, on whom he depends, and to the company's Pharmacovigilance Department, all observations on medicinal products reported by healthcare professionals (art. 122 And 126 of Legislative Decree 219/06). This flow of information contributes decisively to ensuring the correct use of the drug in therapy, providing useful information for the development of research.
The NHS certainly cannot afford to tolerate information manipulations that alter "healthy" competition in the pharmaceutical sector (which must be based on quality and price) by increasing waste and therefore, ultimately, harming all of us, as citizens and potential users of the service.
The ISF is a very delicate figure and due to its function it should be fully included among the health professions. A figure of the ISF outlined in this way needs rigorous control which can only be exercised by a specific professional order placed "under the high supervision of the Ministry of Health" which on the one hand protects the Members and on the other, precisely through the defense of professionalism, protect the community.