Campoverde: Abbvie consolidates, Abbott shifts production

 Stefano Cortelletti | Jul 19, 2014 | h24news

AbbVie took Shire home with her and to do so it will disburse $54.7 billion, of which 46% in cash and the remainder in treasury shares. Considering that Shire currently has a turnover of about 5 billion a year, we are at 11 times the turnover. The transaction will close in the fourth quarter of 2014.

Con questa fusione AbbVie intende ridurre il proprio carico fiscale, in Ireland taxes they are significantly lower than in the USA (12.5% against 35%). So the pharmaceutical giant based in Campovedre confirms the growing trend and the willingness to continue investing, while the rumors coming from its 'sister' Abbott, also based in the Campoverde site, are alarming after the US pharmaceutical group Mylan has signed an agreement to acquire from rival and compatriot Abbott Laboratories i diritti su 100 farmaci generici per 5,3 miliardi di dollari in azioni. Grazie a questo accordo alcune produzioni saranno spostate nei Paesi Bassi svuotando di fatto parte dello stabilimento di Campoverde. A lanciare l’alarm is the CISL, che già guardava con timore la scissione della società in due rami, Abbott e Abbvie avvenuta nel 2012.

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