bitonto. He quits his job for his autistic son

BITONTO – «Ecco, questo è il mio nuovo posto di lavoro». Vincenzo Daucelli, occhi azzurri e capelli brizzolati, mostra con un sorriso un banco di scuola ingombro di penne e quaderni. Laurea in Farmacia, informatore scientifico per 31 anni, poi ancora all’Università per diventare educatore e infine a scuola, nella I C dell’Istituto tecnico «Vitale Giordano» di Bitonto. Il compagno di banco è il figlio Giulio, un ragazzone di 14 anni: tutta l’energia della vita è come intrappolata nel suo corpo da adolescente. «Disturbo autistico ad alto funzionamento», spiega Vincenzo, che sceglie di uscire dalla privacy con la «Gazzetta» per raccontare il suo percorso innovativo.

Giulio, perfectly intact from a cognitive point of view and completely autonomous, has speech and behavior disorders that make a "shadow figure" indispensable. Vincenzo recounts: «I started studying with Giulio when he was 3 years old. I came home from work and spent entire afternoons with him. Even then I understood that the support teachers in the school, however competent, willing and available, they could never fully support Giulio».

In addition to the support teacher, the Italian law provides for the possibility of hiring private educators, authorized by school administrators and paid by families, to assist disabled students in their studies in the classroom. Thus, while Giulio attends middle school, already assisted by a professional educator, Vincenzo decides to return to the University and to obtain the qualification that allows him to follow his son to high school.

"Thanks to the infinite availability of the teachers and the principal of this school - comments Vincenzo - in this year we have experimented with a teaching model that is perhaps unique in Italy: a course of study perfectly calibrated to Giulio's needs".

Vincenzo thus became the communication bridge between the teachers and the secret world that stirred in Giulio. The boy follows equal programming, without discounts on times and contents, he goes to the exam, does his homework in class. The father, at his side, tries to contain his outbursts of joy and anger.

«With Giulio's teachers and classmates we are building something unique, exceptional, also because I am aware of the fact that not all parents are in the economic, cultural and human conditions to make the same life choice that I did I". That's why Vincenzo decided to tell his story. «After the first diagnoses, we listened to many doctors and did dozens of tests: many speculate on the desperation of families. In the end, after having tried all the treatments foreseen in cases like these, I wanted to try my way ».

The naturalist treatment, you call it. «We go out, we go to the cinema, we go shopping, we play the piano. Giulio learns life by living it, like everyone else. I am against associations, structures where children are "parked" with educators. It is the parents who should go to the educators, to learn what to do and how to behave with their children".

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