Grillo a Napoli: “I medici vi fanno fare esami inutili”
Beppe Grillo in un fuori programma alla fine dello spettacolo “Insomnia” al teatro Diana con una parte del pubblico che si era fermato per fare i selfie con lui : “A Napoli negli anni Cinquanta non esistevano malattie cardiache e colesterolo. Oggi siete i pù fumatori d’Europa. Non avete consapevolezza. Doctors today are travel agents. Vi mandano da una parte all’altra ma il 50 per cento degli esami non serve”.
Ottavio Lucarelli
Video Napoli – 12 gennaio 2019
Dear Beppe Grillo, it is understandable that in a comedy satire what matters is the emotionally relevant joke without meditating so much on reality, assuming that reality is known.
Ma non è sulla mitica retorica sugli anni 50 che vogliamo dilungarci, ma sui medici agenti di viaggio, non solo perché fanno “viaggiare” i loro pazienti, ma loro stessi viaggiano. Non vorremmo essere paranoici ma probabilmente si allude anche ai viaggi a congressi e meeting vari finanziati dalle aziende farmaceutiche attraverso i propri sicari, i grandi corruttori: gli ISF. E data la nota ostilità nei confronti degli ISF cogliamo l’occasione per ricordare e ripercorrere le vicende legislative che li hanno visti coinvolti e che ha portato all’attuale regolamentazione.
Negli anni 50 non esisteva il brevetto dei farmaci e non c’era praticamente regolamentazione sull’informazione scientifica. Chi non faceva ricerca copiava sistematicamente i farmaci che promettevano i maggiori profitti. Così si è distrutta la ricerca farmaceutica in Italia. Non esisteva l’informazione scientifica, esistevano i propagandisti addestrati alla “vendita”. I mezzi utilizzati oggi farebbero scandalo, altro che viaggi!
The fear of facilitating “charlatans, apothecaries and secretaries” and that there was a “increase caused by the privatization” meant that the first Italian law on the patent of medicines, the Royal Decree n. 1127 of 1939, was restrictive; indeed the paragraph 1 of the art. 14 totally prohibited the protection of medicines. This law was in line with the orientation of the time at the European level, specifically the decree resumed the Piedmontese law n. 782 of 12 March 1855. It was the Court of Cassation with the judgment no. 20 of 9 March 1978 to mark the change of orientation in Italy, declaring the unconstitutionality of the first paragraph of the art. 14 and thus paving the way for the creation of patents in the pharmaceutical field, even if co-marketing was introduced to compensate those who did not do research.
Then we came to the most recent ones Legislative Decree 12-30-92 n. 540 And dLegislative decree 24 April 2006, n. 219 and subsequent amendments There are also many other laws and ministerial decrees that we omit so as not to be boring. Without counting the various sentences of the Cassation, it is enough to remember that the Supreme Court has established that the consumption of medicines is not regulated by the criterion of pleasure, but by that of utility, and that doctors are recipients of information "che aims not to abstractly advertise the product by praising its virtues or the visual pleasantness of the packaging, but to inform them of the nature and pharmaceutical uses of the product, in which cases it is indicated, in which cases it is not and in which cases it is even harmful” (see Cassation n. 25053 of 2006; see also see Cass. no. 8844 of 2014; Cass. no. 2349 of 2013; Cass. no. 5494 of 2013)”
All this to say that there are laws that clearly separate marketing and sales from scientific information on drugs. If this happens, it is a crime and must be prosecuted as such. Obviously, as in all categories, there is always someone who commits crimes, but it goes without saying that all ISFs are corruptors. We remind Beppe Grillo that one of his namesake, from the party he founded, is at the helm of the Ministry of Health. It would be advisable for strict control to be implemented so that the laws are respected. Not standards adopted on
We expect Minister Grillo to change the register and implement a real check on existing laws, not new laws, the ones that exist are more than sufficient.
Un’ultima breve osservazione sull’affermazione di Beppe Grillo sugli esami inutili. Può darsi che siano inutili, ma una medicina difensiva non può fare altrimenti soprattutto quando vengono diffusi da varie reti TV una insistente compensation advertising for medical errors.