Anticipation of the Firr: agents deluded by yesterday's proclamations, but everything postponed in the Board of Directors

Firr advance, all postponed in spite of the bombastic announcements: once again the commercial agents have been deluded, who still remain without any support from Enasarco.
In a joint note, the Directors of the Enasarco Foundation Luca Gaburro (Federagenti), Antonino Marcianò (Fiarc), Alfonsino Mei (Anasf), Davide Ricci (Federagenti), Gianni Guido Triolo (Confesercenti), representatives of the acronyms that support the list unitary "Fare Presto!", candidate to lead the organization for the next four years, announce the following:

It thundered so much that…it didn't rain. This could be the summary of the story of the advance of the Firr in which some associations of commercial agents have distinguished themselves. Let's start from the end, so maybe everything is clearer and – as they say – talk is zero: today the Enasarco Board of Directors postponed to a next meeting, set for 9 June, any discussion regarding the FIRR, as well as any other provision in favor of agents affected by the Coronavirus emergency. Therefore, for the agents, no FIRR advance and still no other type of support. Furthermore, the approval by the Ministries in charge of the so-called Mini Reform is an indispensable condition.

It is a pity that in recent days the category had been led to believe that things were now decided: there was talk (or rather, it was written) of a "signed agreement" and "450 million available". And he concluded by saying that now the Enasarco Foundation "will have to prepare the methods of access to the advance payment". Understood? It will have to: there is no doubt that it will and that the anticipation is certain. In short: verbs not in the conditional but in the indicative, so much so that if an agent had read the stately prose of certain newsletters he would undoubtedly have concluded (and someone, unfortunately, did) that the FIRR was there waiting for him and that he would it was a breeze to have it in my pocket. The reality – as has been said – is different: and we are at the paradox that not even those who have the majority within the board of directors are able to decide. This story is on a par with that of the famous 1,000 euros: it didn't take much to discover that, if all goes well, they are reserved for less than 8,000 agents out of 200,000.

Just as it didn't take much to discover that with bombastic but insubstantial press releases, you don't eat and you don't pay the mortgage.

As far as we are concerned, we will stubbornly continue to re-propose our ideas: perhaps, after the disasters and foolishness of recent months, it would be appropriate to take them into consideration.
By the way: the authors of this other masterpiece are always the same, the ones who continue to prevent the agents from voting for the renewal of the Enasarco Board of Directors. Who knows why…

Federagenti – 27 maggio 2020

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