Special foods, niche choices are urgently needed for Quintiles Ims

THERisultati immagini per afms alimenti a fini medici specialiThe turnover settles at 480 million euros but only a third approximately passes through local pharmacies, where consumption has reported a drop in 4% values in the last year. These are some of the figures that characterize the market of special foods (products for diabetics, protein-free, gluten-free and wholemeal) according to the analysis recently proposed by Quintiles Ims in its web magazine: the pharmacy, write the experts of the research company, has to deal with less competitive pricing compared to large-scale distribution, which «is organized in different regions in order to accept the vouchers right many patients.

It then becomes dispensable, write the Quintiles Ims experts, «make niche choices, both in terms of product types and in terms of patients». In particular, it may become appropriate to equip oneself to "serve specific categories of patients in the best possible way", with the offer of services correlated to specific customer segments: personal support, medical consultancy, diagnostics, advice, etc. As far as products are concerned, however, one can start from a picture of what already exists: the pharmacy, observes Quintiles Ims, handles more than 1,500 brands in a year, "with about 300 companies operating and more than four hundred launches in the last twelve months". Select becomes the password.

(AS – 12/11/2016 – Federfarma)

Ed.: Foods for Special Medical Purposes (AFMS) must necessarily have a "nutritive" role, as constituents of a food ration aimed at satisfying the nutritional needs of patients in specific conditions of nutritional vulnerability.

The EU has prepared a revision of the AFMS in view of the entry into force (20 July 2016) of the regulation (EU) 609/2013. The Ministry of Health has carried out a review to verify the effective compliance of products notified as Food for Special Medical Purposes (AFMS) with the definition given by the specific legislation. Some AFMS are payable by the NHS.

The Ministry of Health has prepared national registers for foods for special medical purposes, gluten-free foods and infant formulas.

Related news: Food Supplements and Foods for Special Medical Purposes (AFMS). EU review

Ministry of Health. Revision of the AFMS in view of the entry into force of Regulation (EU) 609/2013 

Regulation (EU) 609/2013

Dietetic Foods/Foods for specific groups

Directive 2002/46/EC for the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to food supplements

National registers of foods for special medical purposes

 Ministerial Decree June 8, 2001

Powdered milk for babies: what the law says

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