There is never an end to the worst. ISF at 200 euros gross per month!

Sarebbe utile che Farmindustria, l’AIFA, la Direzione generale del lavoro e sviluppo economico, la stampa e i sindacati conoscano cosa avviene nel “mercato” del lavoro”.

Siamo venuti a conoscenza di un “contratto di consulente” ISF in cui si specifica che l’informatore deve svolgere il lavoro del tutto in autonomia. Ma, dice il contratto, per ottemperare agli obblighi del D.Lgs. 219/06 e alle richieste di AIFA deve inviare il programma settimanale e i medici visitati. Scarico saggi: necessario SOLO per prodotti etici. L’articolo di legge citato dice “Nel mese di gennaio di ogni anno ciascuna impresa farmaceutica deve comunicare, su base regionale, all’AIFA il numero dei sanitari visitati dai propri informatori scientifici nell’anno precedente, specificando il numero medio di visite effettuate“. Cioè nella legge non si chiede né una relazione settimanale né i nominativi dei medici visitati.

It would be interesting to know AIFA's thoughts on the matter: the reporting of the doctors visited becomes a control tool, incompatible with the contractual essence and spirit repeatedly specified and reaffirmed, by way of clarification.

Payment of percentages on the “INCREASES (or differential) compared to the previous year.

Since without assistance the turnover would physiologically disappear, it would be useful to know how much the recovery of the loss is valued physiological first step in vision of future developments codified by the contract.

In the event of illness, the payment of fees is suspended: from the first day.

Therefore, the performance of the informant is not taken into account. Turnover historically tends to decrease, but not with the immediacy that they intend to believe.

Fixed salary: €200/month gross. This will be the only payment up to the important development of turnover.

A development for which it will take at least 4/5 information cycles.

Considering the limitations expressed by the doctors, it will take more or less a year / year and a half to start seeing a development in turnover.

Where we consider that the only "expenses" (INPS-CAR DEPRECIATION-FUEL-ACCOUNTANT-PARKING-CHAMBER OF COMMERCE-etc.) amount to 1000/1500 euros per month, that contract provides for a personal outlay that can be estimated at at least 10 thousand euros in algebraic sum with the skills.

In Italy, theart. 36 of the Constitution stipulates that the salary must be "proportionate" to the work performed, and in any case "sufficient" to guarantee a dignified life for the worker and his family. These levels have traditionally been identified by jurisprudence in the minimums set by the corresponding national employment contracts.

In Italy then the problem of contract evasion is real and particularly painful in some sectors among which the fake-autonomous, as in this case, constitute a consistent part. Unfortunately, the inspection tools are culpably insufficient, as revealed by the high level of regulatory avoidance in various other areas of national life.

And that it is a fake self-employment, despite the contractual tricks, it is clear and any court will not hesitate to recognize it.

The self-employment "pure, often framed with the locution “VAT registered work“, manifests itself in the following forms:

Fundamental characteristic is the absolute operational and organizational autonomy. In fact, the self-employed person decides independently the times, methods and means necessary for the execution of the service, is not subject to the managerial, organizational, disciplinary and control power of the client and operates without any coordination with the client's activity same.

Nowadays, in fact, there are many employers who induce their employees to resort to the opening of the VAT number (precisely "false"), for the sole purpose of avoiding being trapped in employment contracts which are obviously more burdensome and inconvenient.

The worker is the only injured party in the employment relationship as he does not enjoy welfare or social security protections that are normally due to employees or rights recognized to workers.

Considerando i danni fatti da flessibilizzazione e precarizzazione del lavoro, i lavoratori sono quindi disposti a essere pagati il meno possibile pur di essere assunti e sono obbligati a competere sulle retribuzioni. Il fenomeno è anche facilitato da alti livelli di disoccupazione che induce molti giovani ad accettare lavori “sacrificanti”.

With the Jobs Act, however, they must be considered as subordinate work "exclusively personal work performance, continuous, repetitive, and organized by the client with respect to the place and working hours”. Also starting from 1 January 2019 non potranno aderire al regime forfettario i titolari di partita IVA che svolgono attività prevalentemente nei confronti di uno dei datori di lavoro dei due anni precedenti o, in ogni caso, nei confronti di committenti direttamente o indirettamente riconducibili a questi. C’è anche un disegno di legge che detta una norma di interpretazione autentica dell’article 2094 of the Civil Code, “prestatore di lavoro subordinato” in cui si considera lavoratore subordinato: “… whether the result of the service is destined to the employer and whether the organization to which the service is intended is not one's own but the employer's". The bill also proposes theminimum wage requirement for all employment relationships, even for atypical ones, which is not lower than the provisions of the national collective bargaining agreements for the category.

E’ bene precisare che il lavoro autonomo per l’ISF è del tutto legittimo.

Legislative Decree 219/06 excludes the remuneration of the self-employed ISF parameterized to sales data, least of all to those obtained from statistical indications, even if accurate, as ruled by the Cassation and various courts (utopia?).

L’ISF lavoratore autonomo, in questo caso, ha un mandato professionale d’opera per l’espletamento di attività di consulenza e come tale deve essere pagato con un corrispettivo adeguato proprio per la consulenza che fornisce, altrimenti che consulenza è. Quella del consulente ISF, non potendo vendere o avere provvigioni sul venduto, è una tipica obbligazione di mezzi nella quale, a differenza di un’obbligazione di risultato, il professionista ISF si obbliga a svolgere un’attività determinata senza tuttavia essere obbligato di garantire al committente il “risultato sperato”, e il mancato conseguimento di questo non implica un inadempimento.

Finally, the contract refers to the Legislative Decree 231/2001 sulla responsabilità dell’impresa, nel senso che se il malcapitato ISF consulente fosse costretto a qualche comportamento illecito la responsabilità legale è solo e unicamente dell’ISF. Firmando quel contratto l’ISF consulente prende atto che l’azienda “does not respond if the persons indicated [ed: company representatives] hanno agito nell’interesse esclusivo proprio o di terzi”. And being autonomous, any responsibilities are his alone.

Beyond the legal aspects, the shame that such contracts represent not only for workers but for human dignity itself remains. There is no end to shame in our country.


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