AIISF Savona. In Liguria for the third dose the ISFs entered together with the health professionals

Gli ISF dell’AIISF Savona ci scrivono:

This time making the third dose is very easy and you won't have to prepare lists for ASL. The Isfs have been inserted with health professionals on an equal footing and simultaneously with doctors, nurses, pharmacists.

Ogni collega indipendentemente dall’età può prenotarsi autonomamente sul link che metto di seguito (indipendentemente dall’età).

I would like to remind everyone that the third dose can only be done 6 months after the second administration.

Video. Instructions for booking on prenovaccino.

https://prenotovaccino.regione.liguri… – Prenotare il vaccino sulla piattaforma messa a punto da Liguria Digitale per i cittadini liguri

Note: the provision concerns all of Liguria


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