Press release Section AIISF Messina.
The story.
In September the IRCCS Bonino Pulejo of Messina had issued extremely restrictive rules for the access and activity of the ISF due to the health emergency, strangely just as the ministry of health stated that Sicily was returning to the white zone "dopo che per due settimane i parametri relativi a contagi e ricoveri nell’Isola sono rimasti al di sotto della soglia di rischio”.
To aggravate the situation, the health personnel gave the ISF "instructions" regarding access to the structure, which were completely discordant and without legal foundation and seriously discriminatory compared to other categories of workers who access and work in presence in the same places.
In the letter of the Sect. AIISF of Messina also remembered that the Sicily Region had included, among the category of healthcare workers, in the anti SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 vaccination plan, also the scientific informants of the drug and the parapharmaceutical. And it is therefore known that the ISFs of the province of Messina have already undergone the anti SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 vaccination and all have already completed the vaccination cycle as can be easily demonstrated by the documentation, including the so-called green pass.
Finally, it was recalled that the Health Department of the Region (Prot. No. 35008 of 07/29/2021) had clearly issued rules in order to ensure the proper performance of the professional activity carried out by the ISFs, giving them suitable dissemination.
Despite this, with an act of incomprehensible power, the Managers of the health structures mentioned above have slowed down the work activity of the ISFs and, consequently, limited scientific information (essential) for all health workers
Furthermore, aligning the conduct of local hospitals with the will of the national legislator who, with the enactment of the DECREE-LAW of 21 September 2021, n. 127 has decisively clarified and consolidated the principle of guaranteeing the safe performance of work, both public and private.
On 27 October the communication to the AIISF Sez. Messina that the access of informants is allowed, upon presentation of the green pass, in a suitable place.
Related news: Legislative Decree 21 September 2021 n. 127