AIISF Bologna. Sectional assembly and renewal of the Board

Alberto Bonomo reconfirmed as president

Il 6 Ottobre c.m. si è tenuta l’assemblea della Sezione Aiisf di Bologna.

Dopo la presentazione dell’ordine del giorno, il Presidente uscente Alberto Bonomo ha informato i colleghi sul recente Congresso Fedaiisf e sull’Assemblea Generale AIISF. Ha riferito poi dell’attività svolta sia dalla Sezione bolognese sia dal Coordinamento Regionale Fedaiisf.

He retraced the steps of the last three years of the Section's life, proudly illustrating the two most important points: the large number of members and the first contacts with the regional health institutions. The persistent critical issues relating to the work of the ISFs in the presence, especially after the first post-covid period, sometimes also the result of prejudices on the part of some health managers, were analysed, together with the proposals of possible feasible solutions.

It was also insisted that a Section like Bologna, with so many different problems, needs more support and involvement from all members

Finally, the voting began.

Alberto Bonomo was confirmed as president, while the following were elected to the Board of Directors: Vita Verardi, Patrizia Bassu, Vincenzo Morabito, Luca Bertinelli, Rosalba Epifani and Giuseppe Nascetti.

On the proposal of the President, the following were appointed: Vita Verardi as Vice-President, Patrizia Bassu as Secretary and Vincenzo Morabito as Treasurer.


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