To all colleagues. Carinci's reflections on the unity of the ISF category

“In silenzio, negli ultimi due anni, se le mie informazioni sono corrette, il numero degli ISF dovrebbe essere passato da 13.400 unità a 11.600 Se queste fossero le stime giuste, il Dr. Scaccabarozzi, presidente di Farmindustria dovrebbe riconsiderare le sue espressioni (5.000 assunzioni).

Furthermore, the economic weight of terminated contracts is decidedly higher than that of new hires.

A good figure has therefore been made with little expense.

We have lost twenty thousand colleagues in a few years, but no one has ever gone with the drums outside the doors of power to denounce the injustices: paradoxical and violent.

Paradoxical for the positive balance sheets, the only sector in Italy.

Violent because taking away a job is a stigmatizable, evil and morally ferocious action.

The government, the political parties, the trade unions and we all remain silent as we await the next sacking.

How to fight these injustices?

How to counter these abuses?

Come ripristinare il senso della vita, dell’essere, del divenire?

How to make the choral voice heard?

Con la denuncia e con l’associazionismo.

Several times, speaking with colleagues, in the name of my FEDAIISF presidency, I have conveyed this message of unity and urgency.

Three years on, I haven't seen any reactions.

Pwe want to reopen the online debate: but at the end of this debate, before leaving the helm to others, I would like to see ten thousand membership cards and participants, with means and actions: to face, with some small weapons, an overbearing enemy, protected by the State , as if we were out of stock and on sale.

Ancora non vi siete convinti, che la nostra difesa passi attraverso l’unità della categoria?

Do you have any other ideas to stop this slaughter?

Have you given strength and participation to the RSU?

Or did you settle for a repeated and colorful comment on facebook, to appease your conscience through the outburst?

Non so cosa voi pensiate: lo sapremo se avrete voglia di commentare e programmare – praticamente – le azioni future. Realistiche e possibili.

We will acquire every suggestion, which has, as a primary objective, the survival of our profession.

Nel nostro sito Fedaiisf scrissi un redazionale: “Chiamata alle armi”

I propose it again only with the title, because it is already strongly explanatory.

I'm sure I have ten thousand shares, which will reach twenty thousand doctors and tens of thousands of friends.

Sono certo – anche – che i palazzi del potere, che ci considerano granello di polvere cominceranno a verificare, che nonostante le pulizie giornaliere quella polvere si infiltrerà in ogni angolo dei loro vestiti.

Of tailoring, of course.

Colleghi, bombardate l’web, ma non limitatevi a quello.

They let us quibble because the jacket and tie and our profession are guarantees of elegance, of civil language, of moderation, of basic education, of mentioned protests.

Perhaps we should begin to change this romantic image to combat oppression and the continuous and squalid attacks on our dignity as men, as human beings, as workers, as fathers of families.

For the guarantee of a future.

Farlo da soli – però – sarebbe inutile e certamente perdente.”


Fabio Carinci

Related news: 13,400 jobs lost in seven years. The union between a rock and a hard place (14 Feb, 2014)

Letters to the editor. Alderisi and the utterances of Doctor Scaccabarozzi. (February 20, 2014)

NB: L’immagine del titolo si riferisce alla manifestazione tenuta a Roma il 19 gennaio 2008 contro i licenziamenti di massa degli ISF. Vi parteciparono 5.000 Informatori provenienti da tutt’Italia. Ci fu un’altra manifestazione analoga nel 1994 a cui parteciparono 6.000 ISF

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