Following the Fedaiisf request, the access restrictions of the ISFs to Pertini have been revoked

Fedaiisf's request concerned the cessation of the restrictive provisions on access to the Scientific Information of the drug, access which in any case takes place both in compliance with the established rules

La richiesta del Coordinatore Fedaiisf Lazio, Carlo Di Nallo, inviata il 2 giugno u.s. alla Direzione Sanitaria e al Direttore Generale dell’ospedale Sandro Pertini dell’ASL Roma 2


In my capacity as Regional Coordinator for Lazio of the FED.AIISF (Federation of Italian Associations of Pharmaceutical Representatives) I received the report that at the time your Company's facilities are prohibited from accessing Pharmaceutical Representatives similar figures, a prohibition that prevents the development of scientific information in the presence.

Given that:
Queste limitazioni erano frutto di indicazioni temporanee, per le attività di Informazione medico-scientifica, in quanto connesse all’emergenza epidemiologica da COVID-19 del periodo in cui è stata inviata.


The current epidemiological framework, the provisions for the temporary suspension of the Scientific Information of the drug can be considered outdated, so much so that the State / Regions Conference already on 8 October 2020 issued specific Guidelines for the reopening, in the presence, of the 'Scientific Drug Information, but also by the government provisions which ordered the general reopening of the activities.


Scientific information was established in Italy with art. 31 of Law 833/78 Establishing law of the NHS) and that the Community (Directive 2001/83/EC), national (Legislative Decree 219/06) and regional (Ad Acta Commissioner's Decree No. U0098 of 10 December 2010 ) wanted to standardize it by linking it to the Scientific Service and imposing it independent of commercial conditioning to "ensure the protection of public health" (2nd Premise of Directive 2001/83/EC) and considering that this protection is the main objective which inspires it the core mission of your company.


The exchange of knowledge, including medical knowledge, which is the object of Pharmaceutical Scientific Information, requires direct comparison, a comparison not mediated by electronic tools, as universally recognized and which has led, for some time now, to the reopening of face-to-face teaching.


In Lazio, thanks to a synergy between FED.AIISF Lazio and the ASL RM 5, the Scientific Representatives of the drug, and similar figures, were able to carry out the vaccination dedicated to them at the Valmontone hub with the Jhonson & Jhonson vaccine and subsequently at other vaccination hubs and/or by age and/or belonging to professional orders, therefore the staff of the Scientific Information of the Drug is in possession of the Vaccination Certification as required by health legislation.


On behalf of AIISF/FEDAIISF Lazio, I ask that you please communicate to the structures dependent on you the cessation of the restrictive provisions on access to the Scientific Information of the drug, access which in any case takes place both in compliance with the rules established by the Commissioner's Decree ad Acta n° U0098 of 10 December 2010, both of the Guidelines of the State/Regions Conference of 8 October 2020, as well as of the exhibition of the Vaccination Certification.

Sure of your adherence to our request, we remain available for a comparison that is the beginning of a collaboration that brings mutual benefits, all in view of the provisions of art. 10 of the Health Ministerial Decree of 23 June 1981, with the shared objective of benefiting the citizen-patient.

Awaiting your reply, please accept my best regards.

The answer

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