Il prossimo 31 gennaio FederSalus sarà a Expo 2020 Dubai in occasione della Health & Wellness Week durante la quale si terrà il convegno “The Italian model for food supplements in health promotion and disease prevention”, nell’Anfiteatro dell’Italian Pavilion. In qualità di co-organizzatore, insieme a Cluster Alisei, e in rappresentanza delle aziende che operano sul mercato italiano, FederSalus presenta a Dubai la filiera italiana degli integratori alimentari, un’eccellenza riconosciuta a livello internazionale, che produce valore per il paese e per i consumatori. L’evento verrà avviato il 31 gennaio alle 11.00 (8.00 ora italiana) anziché alle 11.30.
Per aderire inviare mail a entro il 29 gennaio
The Italian food supplements industry is internationally recognised for its excellence, its dynamism and focus on innovation and has developed following a constant growth in recent years, being a European leader. Italian companies of food supplements are strongly export oriented and appreciated abroad for their high-quality products. The everyday consumption of evidence-based nutraceuticals could have a relevant impact on global health, without increasing costs for the national health system.
Chair: Enzo Grossi (Milan, Italy)
Germano Scarpa FederSalus, Italy
Alessandro Lamura Deputy Trade Commissioner to the UAE
Discovering and development of effective nutraceuticals for successful aging: the role of Mediterranean diet.
Giovanni Scapagnini, Campobasso, Italy
Nutraceuticals and cardiometabolic prevention: the Italian experience Giuseppe Derosa, Pavia, Italy
Nutraceuticals for the management of NAFLD Alper Sonmez, Ankara, Turkey
Nutraceuticals: clinical evidence and potential impact on economically important health outcomes
Arrigo F.G. Cicero, Bologna, Italy