Viatris publishes its first Sustainability Report

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Viatris publishes its first Sustainability Report, reinforcing its commitment to improve health and life in communities around the world


The new company highlights its holistic approach to the patient

to offer access to medicines, in a path that will lead to further evolutions


PITTSBURGH, May 6, 2021 – Viatris (NASDAQ: VTRS), a new model company operating in the field of health born in November 2020, today publishes its first sustainability report, reinforcing its role in the field of corporate social responsibility and the commitment to do its part to respond to some of the most urgent needs in the healthcare sector at globally, providing sustainable access to high-quality medicines, regardless of location or context. The report offers a comprehensive view of Viatris' activities in relation to environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects and outlines the commitment carried out over the past year in five main areas: patient health, employee health, environmental health, global public health and community health. The report also includes insight into Viatris' role in the fight against COVID-19.

Michael Goettler, CEO of Viatris, said: “With only half of the global population able to receive essential health services – a figure further exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic – there is much to be done to ensure sustainable access to medicines at global level.1 At Viatris, our global platform and broad portfolio enable us to make a difference. Sustainability is central to our mission and essential to achieving our business priorities. We believe that companies can be a positive force, which is why Viatris is proud to be one of the signatories of the UN Global compact and its 10 principles".

Within the focus areas identified in the report, we can find below some of the actions implemented by Viatris:

Fight against COVID-19

  • Protecting the health and safety of colleagues and their families around the world as a top priority.
  • Participate in the World Health Organization (WHO) SOLIDARITY trial, an unprecedented global effort to identify possible cures.
  • Scale up production of the antiviral drug remdesivir and continue working with government authorities in India to further reduce the cost of medicines and educate more than 20,000 healthcare professionals on using the product during the second wave of COVID-19 in 2021.

 The health of patients 

  • Create the Global Healthcare Gateway® to offer partners immediate access to the Viatris operating platform, expanding access to medicines for patients and amplifying our structured R&D efforts.
  • Satisfy the multiple needs of patients through our R&D efforts while maintaining our unwavering commitment to quality and compliance. Among other achievements, in 2020 we received prequalification (PQ) approval from WHO for five new infectious disease products: one for HIV, two for hepatitis C and two for TB ( tuberculosis). Prequalification allows for procurement by the UN and other multilateral donors, and expedited registration processes in low- and lower-middle-income countries.

 The health of employees

  • Sustain a dual focus on employee health and well-being, and talent development. We have supported approximately 10,000 employees in the transition to remote work and have adopted protocols to protect the safety of workers on site, while introducing new resources such as on-demand training and managed by virtual teachers, with 68,000 courses completed, and 1,000 leaders were trained on the new corporate coaching model.
  • Expand the company's efforts to strengthen diversity and inclusion, including creating our organization's first four Employee Resource Groups, dedicated to people of color, women, LGBTQ+ and working parents.

 Environmental health

·        Commit to carrying out scenario and potential risk analyzes to establish new guidelines for the management of climate change, water and waste. The results will inspire future goals in each area, including setting science-based strategies and targets.

·        Increase renewable energy usage by more than 400% in 5 years and achieve zero waste to landfill target at two additional sites in India, bringing the total number of sites globally with this status to 13.

Global public health 

·     Engage with over 100 trade associations in over 40 countries on topics such as generics, biosimilars, originator drugs, OTCs, medical devices, food supplements and other parapharmaceuticals, as well as with groups operating within the sector. Hold leading roles in over 25 industry associations, educating and making an impact globally, regionally and locally.

·     Pursue the priorities of our advocacy policies, liaising with partners, patient organizations and industry associations to protect access to quality medicines, build healthier markets, strengthen a safe and resilient treatment supply across borders.

 Community health

·     Donate more than 500 million doses of medicines, in a wide range of therapeutic areas, to people in need around the world, affected by emergencies or in poverty. Such product donations have included needles and pens for insulin and HIV self-tests.

·     Collaborate with Sesame Workshop to create resources to support the social and emotional needs of families across generations and around the world during the COVID-19 pandemic.

 In addition, the Company has mentioned as areas from which to greatly benefit for its future:

  • Involving collaborators as the main driver for the achievement of company performance objectives.
  • Integrare la sostenibilità in tutto il business – dalla strategia alle attività – invece di trattarla come un programma o una campagna.

To this links you can view the full 2020 Sustainability Report “Why Good Health Matters to Everyone, Everywhere”.

Lara Ramsburg, Head of Corporate Affairs, ha aggiunto: “Il nostro primo report sulla sostenibilità ci ha permesso davvero di esaminare e rafforzare il nostro impegno in tutta l’organizzazione per avere un impatto positivo e agire in modo responsabile. Il nostro impegno per la sostenibilità è un driver fondamentale della nostra performance. Poiché sappiamo che una buona salute è importante per tutti, ovunque, ci impegniamo a fare la nostra parte per fare una differenza significativa nella vita dei pazienti, dei nostri colleghi e delle comunità di tutto il mondo”.

Il contenuto e le attività presentate nel Report dimostrano come Viatris stia lavorando per consentire alle persone in tutto il mondo di vivere una vita più sana in ogni sua fase. La pubblicazione rafforza l’ambizione dell’azienda di ricoprire un ruolo da leader in qualità di nuovo modello di azienda che opera nell’ambito della salute, con un business model unico e differenziato, una piattaforma operativa di alta qualità e una chiara focalizzazione nel garantire che le priorità in termini di sostenibilità e gli impegni finanziari siano rispettati.

During the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the company will continue to provide regular updates on its sustainability efforts through its website and social platforms. Our priorities remain to protect the health and safety of our employees; produce the indispensable medicines; make our resources and expertise available in the effort towards prevention and treatment; and support the communities in which we operate.

Full report:
Summary factsheet:


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