We don't always travel for pleasure trips, by now a large part of people travel every day for work, they are the so-called "mobile workers".
Mobile Workers are potentially all those who move for work, but the interest in having one's work under control beyond the office is something very important and which now concerns all professional categories.
How many times can it happen to find yourself immersed in traffic or in the middle of a trip or a move for some appointment and need to connect to your e-mail? Having e-mail tools on the go makes it much easier to manage your work and your time.
Precisely to come to the rescue of the needs of "mobile workers", by 2008 all new generation phones will contain the software application to access email wirelessly, and this will be the key application of the mobile voice communications market.
An employee defines himself as a 'nomad' when he spends at least 30% of his working time away from the company headquarters and the needs of these mobile users are quite simple: remotely access the corporate network, use e-mail and have the information 'from the diary' (contacts, appointments and more).
This is why technological solutions meet all these people who have to make travel their job. Focus on Travel 12-12-07