
Theramex dispute. There were two transfers, "resolved" with "spontaneous" resignations. Ed

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I inform you that there have been two transfers (to date), both "resolved" with an agreement because people cannot afford a transfer hundreds of kilometers from home within a month (this is the company's request). So if by "resolved" you mean that people had to quit for just cause (albeit with an agreement) then yes, the situation is resolved. To the Theramex employee who is instead scandalized by the incorrect information given, I say that she could give it correct instead. And it certainly doesn't end here… who will be the next transfer?

Editor's note: Dear colleague, let it be clear that we do not mean anything. We are not an active party in these disputes and we certainly cannot enter into the merits of the matter, as we do not have the elements to do so. We have reported the reports that we have received, this does not mean that they are shared by us. Our position is that the RSU and the Unions are legitimately delegated to defend the interests of workers and if there are ISFs that are affected by penalizing measures we can only express all our solidarity and closeness towards them. Even if it were only one ISF subject to transfer, it is too much. 


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