The XI Forum of MSW of the pharmaceutical industry, which met in Milan on 28 April 2006, examined the "Mandate document" dated 11 April 2006 of the renewal of the CCNL for chemists and made the following considerations:
ISF – the point regarding the ISF has totally disappeared. The scandals in Verona, Naples, Bari and numerous other localities impose an “unequivocal” definition of roles and responsibilities, because in the absence of these there has been the systematic blaming of the ISF for behavior almost always beyond their control. The renunciation of the best definition of roles, of systematically evaded "compulsory" scientific training, of the preventive confrontation with the RSU on reorganisations, transfers, working time management, the appropriateness of information and the protection of public health does not help to curb the precariousness to which the ISFs have been subjected for some time and which has been accentuating in the last period;
Industrial Relations : with the statement "The Platform's requests were substantially accepted with the extension of the Territorial Observatories" it must be understood that the point concerning the point concerning "the National Observatory of the pharmaceutical sector" and the "temporal definition of the bilateral meetings" included in the Platform in the National Observatory and the point "- the comparison on the applications of any regional regulations on the ISF envisaged by art. 48 L.326/3” inserted in the Platform in the Territorial Observatory;
Apprenticeship: the rules that regulate scientific information on medicines prescribe that the information "Service" on medicines can only be carried out by people who possess the technical suitability required by the same rules. The apprenticeship can be carried out in compliance with the law only if the company, in using the work of the apprentice, is obliged to provide the latter with the training necessary to achieve the technical skills of the qualified worker. The immediate impact of scientific information on drugs for human use on public health requires that the person providing information on the therapeutic use of drugs be trained and qualified in advance, so that apprenticeship will only be possible if the "apprentice" is entrusted to a tutor responsible for the suggested therapeutic solutions;