Historical Archive

Selling medicines online


Which medicines can be sold online?


Gabriele Gelosa replies

The Health Commission of the Senate and Chamber, with its own provision, has also authorized in Italy the online sale of medicines without the obligation of a medical prescription. The Commission, emphasizing that the drug cannot be assimilated in any way to a consumer good, underlined the need to extend the rules on good drug distribution practice to online sales as well, in order to ensure that the citizen can receive the medicines in the same conditions in which he would find them in pharmacies.

The Commission has also asked the government to evaluate the opportunity to create a special AIFA or Ministry of Health website, so that all establishments authorized to sell online are immediately identifiable, thereby making controls easier to avoid computer piracy activity.

Issue 147 p. 51 of 6/23/2014 -ItaliaOggi7 (QUESTIONARY - HEALTHCARE)  


Ed.: We remember. Fourth criminal section of the Cassation - sentence 8254 of 2 March 2011 -:

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