Vaccines, new threats to Burioni: photomontage with the BR flag on Twitter
The reply of the virologist on the front line against no vaxes: "Always higher". Burioni denies having taken money from pharmaceutical companies
More attacks against the virologist Roberto Burioni. On Twitter, the user Samuele Rizzo published a photomontage in which the doctor appears gagged in front of a flag of the Red Brigades, like the iconic photo of Aldo Moro, and the inscription: "Careful paid GlaxoSmithKline payroll". Burioni's reply: “Always higher (never took a cent from GSK)”, to then add in the comments: “What can we do with it? These are the times that history has given us to live, and we must live them head-on”.
Burioni received the solidarity of members of the Democratic Party. “We expect a rapid and clear dissociation of the government, which has fueled resentment against science with its decisions – says the group leader of the Senate Andrea Marcucci - Professor Burioni fights to defend human lives, M5s-Lega threaten them with their senseless decisions ”.
“I heard you go to the beach at n… please don't meet you and in my heart I hope you drown! For every tear shed, for every sleepless night, for every discrimination, for every hour taken away from our children after this war… my loudest vaff!….” [ed: «I know the lady who signed the post, because I had the opportunity to meet her in 2016 – said Burioni -. You had argued that children don't need vaccines, because they get them by playing on the floor"]
Under the post a series of violent comments and other threats from no vax activists. “These are fanatics who do not have a rational approach to the problem, and end up exaggerating the tones. What is surprising is the fact that I limit myself to supporting what science says, I don't take political positions, but two plus two equals four”, Burioni replied in an interview with The Rest of the Pug. “
Note: Samuele Rizzo, if he exists, author of the delusional post, has been denounced. He deleted his account.
Fnomceo: "Solidarity to my colleague Burioni"
"We express our solidarity with my colleague Roberto Burioni, who has been subjected to unacceptable and increasingly serious threats on social networks these days".
Thus the president of the National Federation of Surgeons and Dentists, Filippo Anelli, comments on the attacks received by the virologist, who was first wished to drown and who was then portrayed, bound and gagged, in a photomontage as a victim of seizure of the BR.
"Attacking a doctor, a man of science, for having firmly expressed his positions, based on scientific evidence, represents a further act of violence against health professionals, an act that we condemn without ifs and buts" continues President Fnomceo.
“We cannot accept the reference to the dark years of our Republic, to the attacks and kidnappings that have characterized a long period of our history and which are wounds that have never healed in our country – concludes Anelli -. That season taught us that nothing good can come from violence. Science, on the other hand, as well as free and civil confrontation, can make society grow".
FNONCeO press office – 6 August 2018
Ed.: We totally agree with what FNOMCeO has expressed. Solidarity with Professor Roberto Burioni also from us against hysteria, ignorance and violence