Vaccini, Aifa annuncia azione legale contro il Codacons. Codacons denuncia ministro Lorenzin e l’AIFA

L’Agenzia italiana del farmaco (Aifa) announces that it has given a mandate to its lawyers to take action against Codacons “affinché sia difesa in ogni forma e in ogni sede la verità scientifica, la realtà dei dati, la qualità dell’operato svolto dall’Agenzia che ha nella tutela della salute dei cittadini il suo unico obiettivo”. Il Codacons questa mattina a Roma ha presentato alcuni dVaccini, Aifa annuncia azione legale contro il Codaconsati on reports of suspected adverse reactions ai vaccines. According to the consumers' association, 21,658 were registered in the three-year period 2014-2016.

“In Italia ogni anno i vaccini salvano milioni di vite – osserva Aifa – i vaccini hanno debellato malattie mortali, sono farmaci efficaci e sicuri che tutelano la salute. Sulla sicurezza dei vaccini, le affermazioni rilasciate oggi alla stampa dal presidente del Codacons, Carlo Rienzi, diffondono dubbi e incertezze che non trovano fondamento nella scienza e le attività di farmacovigilanza, nello specifico di vaccinovigilanza, svolte da Aifa attraverso il monitoraggio quotidiano confermano la verità scientifica”.

Replica il Codacons: “Anyone starting from Aifa who still claims that Codacons is against vaccines will be immediately sued for defamation e per strumentalizzazione diretta a favorire le case farmaceutiche attraverso affermazioni false”.

Pubblicato il: 30/05/2017 – adnkronos

Related news: AIFA. Press release 544. Legal action against Codacons

AIFA makes available the Post-marketing surveillance report of vaccines 2014-2015

Vaccines, Codacons denounce Minister Lorenzin and Aifa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAY 30 - Codacons has denounced the Minister of Health Lorenzin and the Medicines Agency for abuse of office, failure to control and aiding and abetting pharmaceutical companies involved in the administration of vaccines, in relation to the death of five babies. The association denies Lorenzin that he did not inform the other ministers in the CDM at the time of the approval of the vaccine decree "of an AIFA document on adverse reactions".

The reaction of AIFA was immediate: “The statements of the president of Codacons Charles Rienzi they spread doubts and uncertainties that have no basis in science, and the pharmacovigilance activity, and specifically vaccine surveillance, carried out by the Agency confirms the scientific truth through daily monitoring activity". AIFA therefore gave a mandate to its lawyers "to defend against the Codancons, in every form and in every location, the scientific truth, the reality of the data, the quality of the work carried out by the Agency which has in the protection of health of citizens its only aim and objective”.

The document referred to by Codacons during a press conference was requested from the Medicines Agency by the Public Prosecutor of Turin as part of an investigation launched following a complaint by the same consumers' association. The document reports some cases of adverse reactions and deaths of 5 children in Italy between 2014 and 2016 and in its conclusion AIFA writes: 'there is no causal relationship between exposure to vaccines and sudden death syndrome of the infant (Sids) and the incidence of the latter is the same both in the presence and in the absence of vaccination. The fact that SIDS can occur a short time after vaccination does not therefore imply any cause-effect relationship".

In a note, AIFA reiterated that “in Italy, vaccines save millions of lives every year. Vaccines have eradicated deadly diseases, they are effective and safe drugs that protect health".

Related news: Vaccines: Codacons, 5 deaths in the three-year period 2014-2016

"Vaccines have never killed." AIFA's truth-report silences the "conspiracy theorists"

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