Dear colleagues, in the press review that appeared on the internet, the news of the death of Dr. Claudio Cavazza, patron and owner of Sigma – Tau stands out. What particularly struck me was the general recognition of the managerial skills and human aspects of the late entrepreneur. And thinking back to what the pharmaceutical market currently offers at a managerial level, I noticed what a gulf there is between the "old" managerial management and the new rampant yuppies who currently populate our sector. Why so much difference? Why so much hate?
As we all well know, companies are made up of people and they can have values or not, bringing with them a positive or negative cultural background. Unfortunately in the last period there has been more and more a general barbarism which is also reflected in the political and industrial ruling classes. Characters of low moral and professional depth have reached prominent positions without absolutely deserving their role and in these key positions they have begun their destructive work.
A clear example of what I said concerns the management of the relationship between the ISF and the company and those between the company and the doctor in the pharmaceutical sector.
Every excellent isf knows well that the most important aspect of his profession concerns scientific preparation on drugs and related pathologies, but knows that it is extremely important to create those "human ties" with one's interlocutors which are indispensable for opening a correct and effective communication channel.
Well, this ABC of our industry comes from these new marketing scientists completely thrown away. The ISF is not seen as a person, but as a means, the doctor himself is considered a "customer" rather than a person and therefore aggressive marketing is always studying new bizarre strategies to conquer market shares, forgetting precisely those fundamentals that are the basis of everything. Particularly in some companies, which are more aggressive than others, but much less technically and professionally prepared, some characters apply their strangest theories to increase corporate profits.
We move with insolent and arrogant attitudes, convinced we are the salt of the earth and like sad characters from the past we study filtering policies both of the ISFs and of the doctors. Everything is subjected to bizarre mathematical models, trying to obtain a "pure" breed of isf, strictly subservient to the corporate elite, with characteristics of corporate lackeys and enormous ferocity towards the outside world around them. According to dreams and fumes of all kinds, these utopian isfs should conquer every goal set by the elite like ravenous hordes. Pure madness !!!!
And even the doctor is seen more as an object than a person. For these management gurus it is also a means to reach their goal and for this reason they try in every way to conquer it or to abandon it.