The President Angelo de Rita met yesterday June 6 at 13:00 with Dr. Pietro Leoci, manager of the Pharmaceutical Assistance Office n. 3 of the Puglia Region. The meeting took place upon convocation by Dr. Leoci himself “to discuss the operating methods for scientific information activities on the drug art. 48, paragraphs 21, 22, 23, 24 of Law 24.11.2003 n. 326".
The meeting was attended by Dr. Rosanna Spea, National Representative for Pharmaceuticals and Dr. Grazioso Piccaluga, President of the AIISF Regional Executive of Puglia.
Piccaluga and de Rita illustrated together the expectations of their colleagues from Puglia, in line with what was resolved by the 2006 National Council at the suggestion of the Council of the Presidents of the Regional Executives of the Association.
Dr. Leoci ensured that before issuing a regional resolution in this regard, on the mandate of the Councilor for Health Policies, all the components interested in the scientific information service on drugs and in the activity of the ISFs will be heard and that the text it will be elaborated by Dr. Leoci himself, it will be previously sent for inspection to the aforementioned components.
President de Rita together with the Regional President Piccaluga defended the professional dignity and employment of the ISF with determination and authority, receiving the consent of Dr. Leoci and Dr. Spea.