Charities Onaosi, mission betrayed? "The college-boarding school for orphans of Italian healthcare workers in Perugia, established as a non-profit organization by royal decree of 20 July 1899, will provide, in accordance with its foundation statute, for the maintenance, education and instruction of both orphans and needy orphans of doctors, veterinary surgeons and pharmacists burdened with the compulsory or voluntary contribution referred to in the following article".
This is article 1 of the Onaosi statute. The Law n. 306/1901 then regulated its existence by transforming it into a public body. In 1977 the Government classified it as a "useless body" and in 1994 the Law n. 509 decreed its transformation into a "private foundation" financed with contributions from members e
of sympathizers and to which contracted doctors and freelancers could also voluntarily join. In 2002, a modification of the letter of article 2 of the statute introduced the compulsory nature of the contribution for "all healthcare professionals enrolled in the Italian professional orders of pharmacists, surgeons, dentists and veterinarians, to the extent established by the board of directors of the foundation, which it establishes the amount and method of payment with regulations subject to the approval of the supervising ministries pursuant to article 3, paragraph 2, of the legislative decree of 30 June 1994, n. 509". This act should lead
around 70 million euros in the institution's coffers.
During this process of metamorphosis, according to some, the Onaosi would have failed in its founding principles by directing its activities towards the management of the assets rather than the support of orphans.
One of these is Doctor Nicola Pellegrini, a member of the Order of Doctors of the Province of Rome, who presented a complaint to the Public Prosecutor's Office of Rome because, according to him, there are serious irregularities in the management of the Onaosi. As proof of his thesis, Dr. Pellegrini reports the case of a residence for the elderly recently inaugurated in Montebello (Pg) which offers stays at reduced prices. It escapes, according to the author of the complaint, how this project conforms to the original mission of the institution.
In particular, the complaint discusses the criteria governing access to the institution's services, which are said to be organized in such a way that "Places are assigned on the basis of a particular ranking scheme whereby some can always benefit from the service and others are always mathematically excluded. Furthermore - the complaint reads - a selection criterion is based on the years of contribution: it follows that all those who
they have become compulsory tax payers as a result of law 289/2002 and will not be able to enjoy the benefits of Onaosi for many years (at least 30).
So – asks the doctor – they pay to get what?”.
to the Judicial Authority to ascertain whether the activities
of the ONAOSI are correctly concreted, in
harmony with the original law of 1901, or if
with the amendments made to the statute the laws are violated
mandatory provisions of the Constitution and other laws
of the state. I also ask that the Judicial Authority
ascertain whether or not the obligation to
contribution and support to a private business,
even if it is endorsed by a state law".