ULSS5 Polesana announces the methods of access for product specialists. Ed

Self-certification, swab and temperature

L’ULSS5 Polesana rende noto che l’accesso degli Specialisti di prodotto e dei Consulenti ai gruppi operatori è subordinato ad una autocertificazione sul proprio stato di salute da presentare ai varchi d’ingresso dove comunque verrà misurata la temperatura ed effettuato il lavaggio delle mani.

L’accesso inoltre è subordinato anche ad un tampone molecolare non antecedente le 48 ore. I coordinatori infermieristici saranno incaricati del “contractor tracing” in un apposito registro.


Editor's note:

Anyone who takes such measures should consider that informants don't just go to a hospital and a molecular swab carried out within 48 hours prior to entry, if extended to all hospitals, would mean for an ISF to swab every 48 hours!

Is such a thing possible? At a minimum, such measures should contemplate making available to the ISFs in the area the possibility of carrying out the molecular swab every 48 hours free of charge at the facility of those who issue these regulations.

But wouldn't it be much easier to reach out to whistleblowers and share rules that are acceptable to both sides?

And then these measures are disclosed to everyone, except those directly concerned. But who do they think they are dealing with? There are people who even travel hundreds of kilometers to go to a hospital where they are denied access from one day to the next because someone has changed the rules without communicating them to the interested parties. A minimum of respect for people, patients, citizens or workers is expected from a doctor. It's not to diminish their authority, it's to increase their authority, which is another thing.


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