For experts, this violates the right to health of patients. Thus in an open letter addressed to the Minister of Health, Aiom and Cipomo denounce the situation by threatening an appeal to the Consulta. "The times set for making these therapies available are not respected. Serious discrimination for the sick".
21 JULY – Italian oncologists ask, in one letter (download pdf) addressed to the Minister of Health Beatrice Lorenzin, to take urgent action to address the problems associated with unacceptable inequalities in access to innovative anti-cancer medicines. Otherwise, faced with a situation that is creating serious ethical and health problems, Aiom (Italian Association of Medical Oncology) and Cipomo (Italian College of Primary Medical Hospital Oncologists) will appeal to the Constitutional Court.
"Law n.189 of 8 November 2012 (ex 'Balduzzi decree') - reads the letter co-signed by the president Aiom, Stefano Cascinu, and by the president Cipomo, Gianpiero Fasola – pending the negotiation of reimbursement and the price, provides for the automatic inclusion of innovative drugs, already authorized in Europe, in a special band called the 'Cnn' band, or 'C non-negotiated' band. The drugs in this range are therefore available on the market and can be prescribed, but not paid for by the National Health Service. In the period in which the drugs remain in this range, the availability is more