A river of more than 2,000 people they filled the streets with Treviso last night to the cry of "Hands off the children". An increasingly vast participation, as explained by the grandstandon newsstands today on page 17, to protest against the law just passed in the House on mandatory vaccines. A variety of people with a variety of thinking: from who just dispute the number too high of mandatory vaccines (10), to those who, on the other hand, rail against the law who consider a Big Pharma conspiracy against Italian children.
«We demonstrate against this law because first of all it takes away people's freedom to choose the cure - explains Ferdinando Donalto, president of the Corvelva (Venetian Coordination for Vaccination Freedom) - And then we must remember the 1950s, when much of the literature claimed that smoking wasn't bad. Doctors even advertised which brand of cigarettes to smoke. Today whoever thinks differently, among other things, is even disbarred».
«There is no pharmaceutical oversight of vaccines. I myself made a complaint against the president of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, because he claims that no child has ever died from a vaccine. I will appear in court with the result of an autopsy on a child, which puts in black and white that the death occurred due to the measles vaccine », concludes Donalto.
Related news: The reasons for the No Vaxxs. Ed
“Why it is not right to impose vaccines”
But what I cannot enter belongs to these gentlemen doctors; confess that we find ourselves under such an evil conjunction, and then come and tell us, with cheek: don't touch here, don't touch there, and you'll be safe! As if this avoidance of material contact with earthly bodies could prevent the virtual effect of celestial bodies! And so much toil to burn rags! Poor people! will you burn Jupiter? will you burn Saturn?
His fretus, that is to say [ed: trusting] on these beautiful foundations, he took no precautions against the plague; clung to him; he went to bed, to die, like a Metastasio hero, blaming the stars.
(Don Ferrante - The Betrothed, chapter XXXVII - A. Manzoni)