There are numerous cases of Local Health Authorities that offer their family doctors information independent of that of the industry on drugs and prescriptions. On the other hand, the case of the Treviso Health Authority 9 is unique, which for just over a month has been equipped with a couple of ISFs to not provide information but communication. At the ASL they are called "facilitators": they meet the MMGs, update them on the projects and initiatives in the pipeline, collect information or suggestions on what is already underway. For the company, the goal is to connect needs and answers, needs and projects. For Fimmg, on the other hand, the attempt to override the union is clear. «All the other ASLs communicate with the MMGs via category representatives» accuses Brunello Gorini, provincial secretary of the Federation «here, however, no, they want to do it on their own. And so they caught two informants who cost the company a lot of money, as if money weren't a problem today ».
Thus, in response, the Fimmg has instructed its members not to receive the two Isfs during surgery hours but only by paid appointment: 100 euros per hour plus VAT, as is customary in the freelance regime. But at the Treviso ASL they seem to shrug. «Only a minority of doctors refused to receive our informants» is the answer «so much so that 80 Mmg were contacted in the first two weeks of activity. The two informants? They have not been hired, they work for a service company owned by the Company. And the expenditure amounts to 52,000 euros gross per year».
May 9, 2012 – DoctorNews
FIMG Treviso press release to doctors: http://www.informatori.aiisf.it/HDefault.aspx?Newsid=5940