Trani. Fired by the pharmaceutical company, he is right in court, but works for two months

Protest of a fifty-year-old in front of Palazzo Nigretti. The new contract (permanent) lasted only two months, because this time he was fired. In fact, in the meantime, the Jobs Act has taken over, which facilitates dismissal procedures

Protesta questa mattina davanti al Tribunale del Lavoro di Trani. Un ex dipendente di un’azienda farmaceutica, il cinquantenne Spartaco Raimo, stando a quanto da lui riferito, è stato indotto a dimettersi alcuni anni fa. I giudici in primo e secondo grado gli hanno riconosciuto il diritto a ritornare a lavoro, ma senza reintegro: è stato così riassunto dall’azienda.

Only that the new (permanent) contract only lasted two months, because this time he was fired. In fact, in the meantime, the Jobs Act has taken over, which facilitates dismissal procedures.

Today Spartaco Raimo decided to stage a protest in front of the Labor Court building, pending the new sentence scheduled for September 22 which will decide on the dismissal. Raimo, among other things, complains that due to the too short period of work he didn't even have the right to social safety nets and now he has difficulty living.




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