By James Giannecchini on October 2, 2012
A message of solidarity has come from Tuscany a Farm industry and to allpharmaceutical industry national, to send it was Gianfranco Simoncini councilor for productive activities. The unhappy atmosphere that has surrounded the Italian industrial system for some time cannot make anyone happy and Farmindustria, in recent months, has been organizing conventions and conferences to present the state of serious conditioning that some reforms have imposed on our pharmaceuticals, and to seek possible solutions to a situation that seems to be in constant wear and tear. The next conference of a certain importance is the one currently taking place in Rome, in which the Tuscan councilor will not be able to participate due to various commitments already made previously. But Simoncini's message is clear: “I share the concern of Farm industry and trade unions due to the risk that the pharmaceutical sector could enter into crisis due to the entry into force of regulations which effectively penalize Italian pharmaceuticals compared to products foreign. There is a heritage of scientific, intellectual and research skills, which has one of its fundamental poles in Tuscany, which must be safeguarded and valorised. It is with this conviction that the regional administration will be present at the meeting
promoted by Menarini on 1 October to present the difficulties that the recent provisions on generic drugs risk determining for the Florentine company”. Tuscany, therefore, does not underestimate the difficult state of the pharmaceutical industry and undertakes to create initiatives to support the sector. On the other hand, in Tuscany this type of industry has a strong impact on the local economy, Menarini is just one example. The Tuscan councilor's message represents a very important signal that can help create a table, strictly necessary, to discuss, without dogmas, the future of Italian pharmaceuticals and the sacrifices required of a sector that day by day seems to accuse more and more effects of the latest reforms in the field. The national government will have to take note of this solidarity, and soon, we believe, more will come