Tuscan healthcare: savings are made on personnel, spending continues on pharmaceuticals
Tuscany praised and at the top of the national rankings of quality benchmarks. A beautiful image, which for public health service operators collides with a progressive worsening of working conditions.
It is true that the 2018 Stability Law confirms the spending ceiling for NHS personnel within the 2004 spending limit minus 1.3%, but it is unacceptable that the Region should dump this situation, once again, on the personnel in the sector who, moreover, are already working in conditions of great difficulty while, also in our region, consultancy services are pouring in and expenditure for temporary work is exploding.
So it goes nowhere. The clinical risk increases in the wards and the staff is exasperated. Add to this that pharmaceutical spending, far from having decreased, appears to be increasingly out of control. Meanwhile, the unions are called at company level and pre-instability is feared. Rather, we would like to know, with exactness and with certified numbers, how much spending has increased for the benefit of pharmaceutical companies.
Is it possible that for years these items of expenditure have continued to grow while personnel, with a salary freeze for 8 years, must once again be called upon to foot the bill? We would like to know exactly how personnel resources are spent.
We expect investments to be made to recruit where there is a need, i.e. in operators who, on the front line, guarantee the functioning of services to citizens, starting with maintaining commitments on the stabilization of precarious personnel who, in recent years, have made a contribution very important to the Tuscan health system.
This and more we would like to know from the regional council and the competent councilor. In the absence of a rapid reopening of the table and a response on these issues, we will be forced, despite ourselves, to open the state of agitation and a strong mobilization on such a delicate issue that has continued to be underestimated for too long.
Source: Fp-Cgil Cisl-Fp Uil-Fpl
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