Estar ordered packs of Sovaldi instead of ordering doses. Negotiations have been opened with the supplier, Gilead, and the surplus products of the drug sofosbuvir for the treatment of hepatitis C are being returned without any additional expense for the health system.
These are in summary the salient points of the response of the Councilor for the Right to Health of the Tuscany Region, Stephanie Saccardi, to 2 questions: one from Fratelli d'Italia regarding Estar's mistake in ordering medicines; one of the Northern League, more general on the supply of medicines to Tuscan health companies.
Councilor Saccardi explains that "since March 2017 Estar has taken steps to adopt a more prudential policy in the procurement of medicines, moving from a 'in stock' product management method to a 'transit' management, i.e. specific purchase on the basis of individual requests related to individual therapeutic plans.
In the specific case, in the transition from stock management to transit management, due to causes under investigation, the necessary changes to the units of measurement of the order requests were not agreed on the information system, resulting in a discrepancy between orders to the supplier and actual requirement.