Via the new rates based on income. Scarafuggi: "In the future the card will be enough"
Pistoia, 24 August 2011 – Some delay accumulated during the morning at the Ceppo Cup (single booking centre), while in pharmacies the greatest difficulty was to get customers to digest the new bureaucracy, called upon to declare their income situation and sign the prescription for medicines. Overall, however, the revolution of the health ticket started in Pistoia without too many jolts. "The ASL - explained yesterday the general manager, Alessandro Scarafuggi, together with Mirna Cioni, area administrative manager and Stefano Simonetti, company administrative director - has worked hard to prepare for the arrival of the new ticket modulated on the basis of income. We have participated in many meetings in the Region and dedicated a training day for the operators of the public offices of the ASL and of the affiliated structures".
We remind you that the novelty introduces a contribution on the health ticket for medicines, specialist visits and diagnostic tests modulated on the basis of family income (the total gross income must be calculated, which results from the tax return, equal to the cumulative income of the declarant, the spouse not legally separated and dependent family members, gross of deductible charges). The exemption is provided for all those who do not reach a total income of 36,151 euros. Alternatively, you can use the ISEE declaration, a more complex calculation that takes into account dependent relatives, any mortgages, etc.
The identification of the income bracket is used both for the co-payment on drugs and for the request for visits specialist and diagnostic tests. Only the way you declare your tax situation changes. As far as co-payments on medicines are concerned, it is sufficient for the citizen who goes to the pharmacy to declare, under his own responsibility, his income bracket (or, if he has it, present it to the ISEE) and sign in a special space of the prescription . It will be the pharmacist's responsibility to record the citizen's declaration by translating it into a two-digit code to be entered in a bar within the prescription. As regards specialist visits and exams, the citizen is required to fill in and sign a pre-printed self-certification form which is supplied to the Cup and which can be downloaded from the Asl3 website and from that of the Region. All useful updates, recipe models and self-certification forms are available on the Asl3 internet network.
"The complexity of the contribution calculation system - explained the general manager Scarafuggi - is the guarantee