Teva National Observatory
Last 6 September, in Assolombarda in Milan, the heads of all the sites of the Teva group (Sicor, Teva Pharma, Actavis), Assolombarda, the OO.SS. of Filctem Cgil, Femca Cisl, Uiltec Uil National and Territorial and the site Rsu, for information on the industrial strategies of the Teva group in Italy.
Overview of the Group
The new General Manager of Teva Pharma spoke at the opening [ed: Michal Nitka, pictured] who, in the context of the current condition of the pharmaceutical sector, illustrated the situation of the generic drug or equivalent which, in our country, is unable to take off, having a low market penetration. Turnover in the last year recorded a decline mainly due to the loss of a patent for a proprietary drug, while employment settled in 275 employees between the ISF headquarters and sales offices.
As far as Sicor is concerned, in the 4 production sites (Santhià, Rho, Caronno, Villanterio), the production situation was affected and is still being affected by the increases in the costs of raw materials and energy, by the rise in inflation and by the trend in the euro dollar.
The company has informed that in the next few days there will be an inspection by the FDA in Rho which will be of strategic importance for the future, while inspections have already been carried out at the other sites with positive results.
It was remarked that the Santhià and Rho sites are strategic in the Amso Teva group, over the years heavy investments have been made in all the production sites, investments that will continue for the next few years as well. Employment in the chemical sector is 515 employees divided as follows: Rho 236, Santhià 199, Caronno 43, Villanterio 37.
As far as Actavis di Nerviano is concerned, there is currently no progress and the acquisition proposals received have been assessed by the Company Management as unsuitable for this reason and to try to find conservative solutions for the production site and employment levels, meetings were held in the Region Lombardy which up to now have not produced any solution and a further meeting is scheduled for 27 September next at the Ministry of Labour.
The trade unions
The trade union delegation expressed concern about the situation of the Nerviano site, inviting the Company Management to continue the search for conservative solutions and expressed appreciation for the information received, underlining that trade union relations are fundamental in order to be able to govern even difficult moments and reorganization processes. Furthermore, the trade union delegation highlighted the concern for the smaller production sites (Caronno and in particular Villanterio) and mono-productive ones, inviting the Company Management to make all the necessary efforts and with appropriate investments to implement the productions and to make the sites and more stable employment for the future.
Filctem, Femca, Uiltec press release - 12 September 2022
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