Terzigno (NA), illegal medical clinic discovered inside a house

Managed by a Chinese woman, the investigations will have to shed light on any complicity, especially related to the supply of Italian drugs (administered only on medical prescription) and Chinese smuggled from the country of origin. Deckchairs used as medical beds.

lo Strillone.TV – 23/01/2016

Un ambulatorio medico completamente abusivo gestito da una donna cinese. E’ quanto hanno scoperto a Terzigno ieri pomeriggio i carabinieri della locale stazione. Priva ovviamente di qualsiasi autorizzazione, l’ambulatorio era allestito in pessime condizioni igienico sanitarie in una abitazione privata.

In the rooms of the house, the soldiers found medicines (Italian and Chinese), makeshift beds, medical equipment of all sorts left on the floor, including electrocardiogram, blood pressure, IV administration equipment, as well as surgical tools, hundreds of medicines, various medical materials and much more.

The woman was reported for abusive practice of the medical profession, management of a medical clinic without health authorization, placing drugs on the national territory without authorization. At the time of the raid, the operanti hanno trovato una giovane donna “ricoverata” su una sdraio, alla quale si stava somministrando una flebo con un pesante farmaco antibiotico.
In quell’area è fortissima l’attività di contrasto dell’Arma agli opifici clandestini gestiti spesso da extracomunitari di nazionalità cinese.

Investigations continue to shed light on possible complicity, above all linked to the supply of Italian drugs (administered only on medical prescription) and Chinese drugs smuggled from the country of origin.

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