"We are determined not to accept unilateral decisions. It is true that everyone has their own sphere of freedom, but this freedom must be accompanied by responsibility. We too have spaces to exercise responsibly"
This is the warning issued by the Minister of Labour, Maurizio Sacconi, to the pharmaceutical group GlaxoSmithKline which intends to close the research center in Verona. "We too have room for reaction", warned Sacconi, after meeting the unions in the prefecture. "For the good connoisseur – the minister underlined – the rule that we are adopting with all companies, including multinationals, applies: that of not accepting unilateral decisions. And this because it is not in the tradition of this country, not in the consolidated practice on social dialogue to be subjected to impositions from above". Sacconi then announced that "the negotiating table will be made up of representatives of the Government, the social partners and the institutions, in any case we will convene the company. We are working in particular with the Minister of Health Fazio, we will set up an inter-ministerial table. This is the start of a process - explained Sacconi - the Government will bring together around an inter-ministerial table all the skills that can be put in place in order to give continuity to the research center ".
Pharmacist33 – 10 February 2010 – Year 6, Number 23
Editor's note: it is a pleasure that Minister Sacconi has noticed the unilateral decisions of Glaxo. Let's hope this wakes him up from a long hibernation and also notices the 10,000 ISFs who have lost their jobs in the last 18 months due to unilateral decisions by pharmaceutical companies.