In April 2013, the seasonally adjusted index of industrial production decreased by 0.3% compared to March. On average for the February-April quarter, the index recorded a decrease of 1.0% compared to the previous quarter.
Corrected for calendar effects, in April 2013 the index decreased in trend terms by 4.6% (there were 20 working days against 19 in April 2012). On average for the period, production fell by 4.4% compared to the same period of the previous year.
In April 2013, the indices corrected for calendar effects recorded tendential decreases in all sectors. Consumer goods decreased significantly (-5.8%) and, to a lesser extent, capital goods and intermediate goods (-4.5% for both).
Energy shows a more contained decrease (-2.3%).
In the trend comparison, in April 2013 i growing sectors are those of the manufacture of computers, electronic and optical products, electromedical equipment, measuring equipment and watches (+10.0%), of the production of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations (+3.6%) and the manufacture of electrical appliances and non-electrical household appliances (+1.4%).
The sector which, in trend terms, recorded the largest negative change in April is that of mining (-14.8%).