First floor
FLUAD vaccines: for the European Pharmacovigilance Committee (PRAC) there are no risks
Dopo un’attenta valutazione di tutte le evidenze disponibili, il Comitato di valutazione dei rischi per la farmacovigilanza (PRAC) riunito presso…
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Vaccines: Fluad and Agrippal were already withdrawn in 2012
Contenevano «elevati aggregati di proteine». Così Novartis chiese di bloccarli. Tornarono sul mercato due settimane dopo. Ma il ministero non comunicò…
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Lorenzin: "First tests on vaccines have given negative results". Rome prosecutor opens file for three deaths
I primi esami condotti dall’Iss per verificare un possibile nesso fra i lotti del vaccino Fluad della Novartis e il…
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Vaccines, peak sales and panic. Doctors besieged by patients. From Austria to Spain, attention grows
Vaccini, vendite a picco e panico. Medici presi d’assalto dai pazienti Scende al 58% l’adesione alla campagna antinfluenzale Coletto: «Pronti…
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Ferrara. “The ministry does not clarify, I no longer inject the vaccine”. the suspected cases rise to 12. Controversy between the minister and the Regions
Di Lascio (Ordine dei medici): le Regioni stanno procedendo in ordine sparso, tutti è lasciato nelle nostre mani 29 novembre…
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First floor
The golden cage where the Fluad vaccine is produced. The dismissal of the ISF in 2010. The H1N1. The previous one from 2012
Siena: yoga courses and kindergarten in the "perfect" factory, but discomfort is spreading among the workers PAOLO RUSSO SIENA -30/11/2014…
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But the real danger is psychosis. The previous Novartis from 2012
Ma il vero pericolo è la psicosi EUGENIA TOGNOTTI – 28/11/2014 – LA STAMPA OPININI C’è davvero da augurarsi che…
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Influenza vaccine, there are now 12 suspicious deaths. Aifa: "The withdrawal of other lots is not excluded"
Venerdì 28 Novembre 2014 – IL MESSAGGERO Il caso delle morti sospette dopo la somministrazione del vaccino antinfluenzale Fluad di…
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First floor
Do they vaccinate us or kill us? Doctors: "nexus with the dead is unlikely". The flu vaccine under accusation is produced in Siena. AIFA, irreplaceable resource
Flu vaccines: do they vaccinate us or kill us? by Domenico De Felice | November 28, 2014 | A long time ago from the pages…
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First floor
Leghorn. Pediatrician investigation, poorly preserved vaccines found during a search. Pediatricians: "We keep them as the law says"
Pediatricians investigation, new vein on vaccines The prosecutor is investigating a quantity of badly stored vaccines, found during a…
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