pharmaceutical expense
USA, Japan, China, Europe: the "Risiko" of Pharma in 2017
Il 2016 è stato un anno ricco di avvenimenti per il mondo del pharma e il 2017 promette di essere…
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Lorenzin signs the new LEAs
"The premier signed the new essential levels of assistance (Lea) and the nomenclature of prostheses: a historic step for…
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OECD: "A fifth of health care spending is misused: few generics, too many cesareans, unnecessary hospitalizations and anomalous access to the emergency room"
Tra sprechi, inefficienze e corruzione i sistemi sanitari perdono per strada un quinto delle risorse. E i numeri sono inquietanti:…
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Drug expenditure, the Aifa report confirms the breakthrough in the first eight months of 2016
Roma, 20 dicembre – Con un avviso pubblicato ieri sul suo sito, Aifa ha reso disponibili i dati relativi al…
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Pharmaceutical payback. One more stop from the Tar
Sospeso pagamento di un’azienda relativo al 2013-2015. “Aifa dovrà depositare relazione”. Tutto rinviato a novembre 2017 Nuovo stop del Tar…
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Italy. Healthcare Report: Lowest Healthcare Expenditure in Western Europe
Spesa sanitaria italiana inferiore di quasi un terzo rispetto al resto dell’Europa Occidentale, questo il dato che emerge dal 12°…
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Treviso. Hospital, home medicines for patients
The complaint of general practitioners: family members are invited to take them to the ward, using the prescription. The Local Health Authority: report the…
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Forli. When the sense of the ridiculous is also missing
Il dottore prescrive correttamente un farmaco ad una paziente e l’Ausl gli fa pagare 22 euro di rimborso. Segnalazione a…
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In 2021, the world will spend $1.5 trillion on prescription drugs
This is the verdict of a report drawn up by Quintiles IMS Holding, although it is expected that in the coming years…
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EpaC, does Renzi want to cure all hepatitis patients? Finally
Does Prime Minister Matteo Renzi “want to cure all hepatitis C patients? Finally!". These are the words of the president of the EpaC association…
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