labor unions
UILTEC press release. All professionals, such as the ISF, who carry out activities in Italian health facilities should take advantage of vaccination priority
La pandemia COVID 19 ha cambiato in questi mesi per tutti i lavoratori, italiani e non, il proprio modo di…
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Filctem press release: ISFs must be included in the first phase of Covid-19 vaccinations
La Filctem Cgil Nazionale e Territoriale di Milano ritiene che la ricerca scientifica sia strumento imprescindibile per il progresso e…
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Enasarco. Press release “Fare presto” and “Arténasarco”
“La pagina più arrogante vissuta da Enasarco, nella sua gloriosa storia“, questo rendono noto le liste “Fare Presto!” e “Arténasarco”…
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Union statement. Post Covid Europe and the pharmaceutical strategy. "Absolutely necessary to regulate the activity of Scientific Information"
Che la pandemia sia destinata ad essere una sorta di spartiacque è oramai un fatto acclarato, ci sarà un prima…
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Fidia's scientific representatives choose USB. Ed
At the Fidia Farmaceutici headquarters, the procedures for electing the new RSU were completed. The Operational Forces sector…
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The Minister of Economy and Finance signed the TRIS Decree. The press release of the trade unions
Nel 2018 Femca CISL, Filctem CGIL, Uiltec UIL, Federchimica e Farmindustria, hanno sottoscritto a Roma l’Accordo per la costituzione del…
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In evidence
Fedaiisf: violation of the right to work enshrined in the Constitution? Letter to Femca
In recent days, the Perugia Hospital, where access was prohibited for ISFs, following meetings…
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Covid, Maiellaro (Ugl Basilicata Chimici): "Scientific reps have skills to make available"
NewTuscia – POTENZA – 17 November 2020 We receive and publish. "The Scientific Representative of the drug must be considered a consultant of the…
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FIARC, Refreshments Decree. "Bewildered by the government's blindness and ENASARCO's silence"
“Siamo sconcertati dalla cecità con cui il Governo, negli ultimi Decreti Ristori, ha trascurato le categorie professionali degli Agenti di Commercio, dei Consulenti finanziari,…
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Indemnity of 1000 euros for those who have ceased, reduced or suspended their activity
I lavoratori che hanno diritto alle indennità di 1.000 euro previste dal decreto Agosto, se hanno già incassato precedenti bonus…
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