labor unions
First floor
Smart working. Agreement between Government and social partners on the new rules
The shared protocol for smart working The protocol shared between the ministry, employers' organizations and trade unions starts from the assumption…
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Federal agents. The classification of the scientific medical informant
Question: I am an employee of a pharmaceutical company and I deal with medical information in a specialized sector. The company is…
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MSW Novartis. Concern about the unilateral dismissal decision
Dear colleagues, Following our first press release dated 30/11 relating to the recent "withdrawal procedure…
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First floor
OO.SS press release and MSW Gedeon Richter. Four layoffs for a "flash reorganization". Bewilderment for the method and for the merit
Gedeon Richter's RSU learned today with bewilderment, from the company management, the intention to implement a reorganization…
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Theramex dispute. There were two transfers, "resolved" with "spontaneous" resignations. Ed
We receive and publish I inform you that there have been two transfers (to date), both "resolved" with an agreement because the…
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Theramex. There is a strike but the transfer, which concerned only one person, has been resolved
Una ISF di Theramex ci comunica che «oggi lo sciopero c’è ma non è vero che “alcuni lavoratori sono stati…
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Theramex Italy workers proclaim a day of strike against the decision to close some work areas
In data 08/11 a.c. i lavoratori della Theramex Italy proclamano una giornata di sciopero protestando contro la decisione di chiudere…
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Novo Nordisk. Dismissals disguised as "spontaneous resignations"
Novo Nordisk: licenziamenti collettivi mascherati da dimissioni volontarie Come anticipato nella partecipatissima assemblea del giorno 21 ottobre u.s., le Segreterie…
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FIARC CONFESERCENTI alongside the operators of Catania and eastern Sicily, seriously affected by the atmospheric events
Riceviamo e pubblichiamo “Solidarietà ai colleghi e appello all’Enasarco e alle istituzioni per sostegni adeguati”: Fiarc, la federazione degli agenti…
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Pfizer plant in Catania at risk of closure. Relocation to China
Pfizer Catania, i sindacati: “Necessario confronto con i vertici” La nota di Cgil, Cisl, Uil e Ugl: “Previsto un calo…
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