drug price
Swiss. Compulsory licenses against 'expensive medicines'?
The problem of access to "vital medicines" no longer concerns only developing countries, but also the rich…
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Tax deductions. Drugs bought at night are worth more in 730
Farmaci di notte con sovrapprezzo: regole per la detrazione completa nel 730 di Alessandra De Angelis, pubblicato il 22 Maggio…
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FDA to US companies: block generics. PhRMA's reply
(Reuters Health) – La Food and Drug Administration ha pubblicato ieri l’elenco delle aziende farmaceutiche che, a suo avviso, starebbero…
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'Is treating and healing patients economically viable for pharmaceutical companies?' asks Goldman Sachs
‘Curare i pazienti è economicamente sostenibile?’, si chiede Goldman Sachs Un’analisi del colosso di Wall Street accende i riflettori sulla…
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The Savonese ASL to family doctors: "Too many useless drugs prescribed". Ed
Asl Savona wands the GPs: "Too many useless drugs". And assign a budget Rome, April 3 – Rif Day – The…
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Palermo. False prescriptions for one million euros: two doctors and a large pharmaceutical company on the stand
Palermo, prescribed growth hormone under the table: investigated researcher of the Alessandro Ciresi Polyclinic under investigation for fraud, forgery, abuse of office and…
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Häusermann (Assogenerici): “Grateful to the pharmacists for spreading the culture of generics”. Ed
The equivalent drug industry recognizes a great merit to pharmacies, namely that of having 'educated' the…
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Agreement on regional autonomy. Decisions based on the therapeutic equivalence of medicines are expected to be taken
Autonomy agreements for Veneto, Lombardy and Emilia: requests on equivalents and direct distribution 02/03/2018 – Federfarma Signed at Palazzo…
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Distribuzione diretta, il video degli sprechi raccontati dalle foto dei farmacisti su Federfarma Channel
Gli sprechi della distribuzione diretta da parte delle Asl che dispensano ai pazienti farmaci per mesi di terapia, per la…
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USA. Generic drug costs 28 times more than the patented one
Il medicinale è usato per la malattia di Wilson NEW YORK – Anche i farmaci generici possono avere costi spropositati.…
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