"Pills": history of pharmaceutical propaganda
The philosopher Baltasar Graciàn said: the wise doctor must be expert both to prescribe a remedy and not to prescribe…
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Social networks and drug advertising: the regulatory mesh is widening
The Ministry of Health makes new (small) openings on the topic of promoting medicines on platforms and also includes Instagram…
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First floor
Novartis Agreement. Considerations 2. Ed
We receive and gladly publish The RSU Novartis agreement and the consequent comment by Antonio Giammei lead me to some reflections. In…
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"Pillole", the book that tells the world of drugs between awareness and skepticism. Who are drug salespeople and what do they do?
The volume will be presented tomorrow afternoon at 18.30 at the Bodoni bookshop in via Carlo Alberto 41 in Turin Tuesday…
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Course. The emotional sale in the scientific information of the drug. Ed
by AboutEducation – Aboutacademy Scientific information continues to play a leading role in the education and information of the medical profession. AND…
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Doctors, be wary of overly sponsored drugs. They are almost never the best
If the efforts of pharmaceuticals to win the trust of specialists are excessive, something is wrong. Between…
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The Menarini art volume makes the halls of Capodimonte shine. Ed
Fu la città di Napoli a dare i natali al gruppo farmaceutico Menarini nel lontano 1886, ed è così che…
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Health between science and false myths in the 2.0 era
“L’informazione scientifica corretta – dichiara Piero Angela – si distingue, innanzitutto, per la verifica delle fonti e l’autorevolezza di quest’ultime. L’informazione pseudoscientifica,…
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An Inclusion Observatory and a disability manager in a pharmaceutical company
È stato recentemente sottoscritto a Roma, tra la Direzione Aziendale della multinazionale farmaceutica Merck Serono e le rappresentanze sindacali di…
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Food or drugs? Advertising is healthier
Con crescente frequenza la pubblicità nel campo alimentare fa leva su aspetti “salutistici”. E gli accenti sono sempre più esasperati…
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