scientific informants
Bozen. Ward dinners paid for by pharmaceutical companies
Ma si sa come da sempre la relazione tra medico ed informatore farmaceutico sia molto pericolosa. La segnalazione di alcuni medici…
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First floor
The number of FFIs decreased by -1.2% globally in 2013
Secondo Cegedim Strategic Data (CSD), la società di ricerca dedicata al mercato della sanità, il numero degli informatori scientifici del…
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Editorial notes
Flat-rate scheme, VAT number 2015: here are the news of the Stability law from January. False VAT numbers: the presumptions of subordination are operative. Ed
Starting from 1 January 2015, those who decide to open a new VAT number and adhere to the flat-rate regime will see changes compared to…
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First floor
France. A new statute to regulate the activity of Scientific Informers
15/10/2014 – le “Spero che con questa nuova Carta, si possa assicurare che l’Informazione Scientifica sia veramente associata, nella…
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Argentina. Who is the pharmaceutical mafia made up of?
Il collegamento delle aziende per effettuare le manovre di corruzione sono il “Gli agenti di propaganda medica” (APM), meglio conosciuti…
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News fedaiisf
Fedaisf Foggia. President Carinci at the Sectional Assembly. The relationship
Thursday 4 December was held in Foggia, in the Auditorium of the Order of Doctors, the assembly of scientific representatives of the drug of the provinces…
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First floor
Why BMS is preparing to cut up to 1,000 jobs in China (China wants more ISF and fewer sellers)
La Cina vuole un’industria farmaceutica riformata che si basa su un approccio di marketing-centric che utilizza gli informatori medici al posto…
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News fedaiisf
AIFA approved the minutes of the meeting with the FEDAIISF delegation
La Segreteria Tecnica della Direzione Generale dell’AIFA, esaminato il verbale, ritiene che il contenuto dello stesso riporti l’esito dell’incontro Open AIFA…
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News fedaiisf
Infant formula investigation, scientific informants (Fedaiisf, Carinci): 'We are precarious, we risk corruption'
After the scandal in Tuscany, the federation of associations that bring together the figures involved in the "promotion" of medicines…
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First floor
The golden cage where the Fluad vaccine is produced. The dismissal of the ISF in 2010. The H1N1. The previous one from 2012
Siena: yoga courses and kindergarten in the "perfect" factory, but discomfort is spreading among the workers PAOLO RUSSO SIENA -30/11/2014…
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