scientific informants
First floor
Risky work in pharmaceutical companies. Ed
Letter of dismissal for 176 employees of Boehringer Italy. Just one year ago, from its headquarters in Germany, the group…
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Boehringer, fighting for the job
"The attitude of the company is very serious - declares Rosalba Cicero, general secretary of Filctem Cgil Lombardia -, of not wanting to take alternative routes ...
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Bayer Healthcare, all mobility projects in Italy to support sales
La divisione Pharma ha una struttura di circa 550 informatori che presentano i prodotti ai medici. «La rete di informatori è…
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Botox, fillers and slimming: the report investigation on cosmetic surgery
“Lo sa – domanda Vignoli – che molto spesso gli informatori farmaceutici vengono da noi e invece di fornirci della…
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Boehringer. Letter Dear Colleague …
Caro Collega, anche tu, come me, ti sarai accorto che stiamo vivendo i giorni peggiori di Boehringer qui in Italia.…
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First floor
In Boehringer strike on October 30 against 176 layoffs. The press release of the RSU
Il 30 ottobre alle 9,30 nuovo incontro sindacati-azienda e mentre le Rsu saranno in trattativa, in contemporanea, fuori da Assolombarda, ci…
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First floor
Abbvie chord. 22 scientific reps on the move
The agreement between the unions and Abbvie of Aprilia Campoverde has made it possible to reduce the number of redundancies from 27 to 22…
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Why has friendship in the workplace become a business obsession?
A large American pharmaceutical company had realized that marketing and sales department employees had relationships…
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First floor
Boehringer Italy: 176 denominations. In December the Italians open the panettone, the Boehringer employees open the letter of dismissal… Merry Christmas
L’operazione imminente, chiarisce la RSU, colpirà 176 dipendenti (di cui 3 dirigenti), fra impiegati e informatori scientifici del farmaco, su…
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First floor
British MMGs close to informants, Brignoli (Simg): error, independent information is utopia
Di recente a Pescara è stato chiesto agli informatori di non entrare in studio con dispositivi elettronici attivi che potrebbero…
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