farm industry
Italian pharmaceuticals is booming: even overtaken Germany, it is first in Europe
Good news from the Italian pharmaceuticals: with 32 billion of production, of which 80% destined for export (+118% from 2008 to 2018),…
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Intesa Farmindustria and Occupational Medicine. Health pact for 66,000 employees and their families
Health in the company, a pact between the pharmaceutical industry and occupational medicine A memorandum of understanding was signed in Rome between Farmindustria,…
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Confindustria medical devices is born
A new federation is born in Confindustria: the Confindustria medical devices. The goal is to bring together the entire world of medical device companies…
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Gimbe report. Transfer of value from the pharmaceutical industry to healthcare professionals and organizations
The report was prepared with the aim of increasing public awareness of the industry's transfer of value to operators and…
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Scaccabarozzi guest of Federfarma Channel: Drug Governance: "satisfied with Government availability in comparison"
Scaccabarozzi guest of Federfarma Channel: "No future for NHS without pharmacies" "We are satisfied with the willingness shown by the Government to…
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Open letter. Doesn't Farmindustria have the moral and contractual task of defending its own FSIs from attacks by "power"?
Spett.le FARMINDUSTRIA stiamo assistendo ad una “caccia” all’ISF bersagliato da istituzioni legittimate. Mi chiedo se non sia compito morale e…
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Regions and companies sign a draft agreement for the 2013-2018 payback. Scaccabarozzi: "We have also planned the opening of a table on pharmaceutical governance"
Farmaci, Regioni e aziende firmano una bozza di accordo per il payback 2013-2018 Rif Day – 22 gennaio 2019 Accordo…
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Scaccabarozzi. New Pharmaceutical Governance: "Potential heavy consequences on employment".
Nuova governance farmaceutica, anche Farmindustria esprime perplessità Resta caldo il tema della nuova governance farmaceutica che propone una serie di…
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First floor
Letters to the Editor. “Memento”, Dr. Scaccabarozzi
Riceviamo e pubblichiamo “La distanza che ci separa da questi comportamenti è abissale”. Massimo Scaccabarozzi, 9 maggio 2017, Gazzetta di…
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Farm industry. Leadership confirmed. Massimo Scaccabarozzi will still be the president
L’Assemblea privata di Farmindustria, che si è tenuta a Roma, ha confermato la leadership dell’attuale Comitato di Presidenza con il…
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