farm industry
Pharmaceutical companies that carry out research will be able to take advantage of a tax credit
With resolution no. 52/E of 23 September 2022, the Revenue Agency established the tax code for the use, via the F24 form, of the credit…
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Cattani (Farmindustria): "Thanks to medicines, extraordinary results have been obtained for health and quality of life in Italy"
Rome, 17 September 2022 – Farmindustria Press Office Declaration of President of Farmindustria, Marcello Cattani, for the World Safety Day of…
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Costs out of control: the alarm from the pharmaceutical chain
The pharmaceutical supply chain asks to be considered, as happened during the pandemic, an essential sector in which to ensure continuity and sustainability…
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Cattani (Farmindustria): "It is untruthful and inappropriate to talk about extra profits" of pharmaceutical companies
The Press Office of Farmindustria has published a statement by the President, Marcello Cattani, on the alleged extra profits of pharmaceutical companies. We report…
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Editorial notes
Landini. Tax the extra profits not only of energy companies, but also of banks and pharmaceutical companies
Landini: «The dignity of workers comes before profits» Collective – 28 August 2022 In an interview with the newspaper La Repubblica,…
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EU proposes 15% cut on gas consumption until spring. Pharmaceutical production at risk
La Commissione europea propone un novo “strumento legislativo” assieme a un piano di tagli alla domanda di gas in Europa, che…
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Nicoletta Luppi, Presidente e AD di MSD Italia, ex ISF, nominata Presidente dello IAPG (Italian American Pharmaceutical Group)
Nicoletta Luppi, Presidente e Amministratore Delegato di MSD Italia, è stata nominata Presidente dello IAPG – Italian American Pharmaceutical Group…
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Cattani (Farmindustria). Development, innovation and inflation. The first meeting of the new president
L’assemblea delle imprese farmaceutiche all’indomani del passaggio di testimone tra Massimo Scaccabarozzi e Marcello Cattani. Due anni di pandemia hanno…
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First floor
Farmindustria, assembly elects Marcello Cattani new president. It happens to Scaccabarozzi
Succede a Scaccabarozzi, alla guida dal 2011 al 2022 askanews – 6 luglio 2022 Farmindustria, riunita in assemblea, ha eletto…
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EFPIA (Federation of European Pharmaceutical Industries). Report 2022: growing sector
Secondo il Rapporto EFPIA 2022 il settore farmaceutico europeo ad oggi rappresenta il 23,4% del mercato mondiale, con 840 mila addetti…
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