ISF access denied
Bonus 200 euros, "400 thousand self-employed risk not receiving it"
The provision of the one-off benefit for self-employed workers could be launched shortly with a click day. They would come like this…
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ISF writers. Book: “Story from Another Universe” – Anthology of stories from doctors, informants, patients and other aliens
We are told of an informant, Stefano Frigieri, recently retired, who writes short stories. He recently released a collection…
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Lazio. The vaccination of the ISF is underway
In a video conference, the Lazio Region announced that the operators who carry out their activities at the facilities will be able…
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News fedaiisf
Teramo. Following AIISF meetings with the Hospital Directorate, ISF access to AUSL4 from Monday
Following the request of the Sect. AIISF from Monday the ISF will be allowed to resume activities at all the facilities…
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News fedaiisf
ULSS8 Berica. Resumption of ISF activities in health facilities by appointment
The Health Directorate with a circular dated 23 April 2021 communicates to the Directors and Coordinators of the AULSS 8 Berica that from…
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Palermo. The Medical Directorate of the Cervello Hospital forbids access to "scientific communicators". Perhaps he refers to Piero Angela?
In a statement to the Operating Units and the Medical Director of the Cervello Hospital in Palermo, the Medical Management recalls that it is…
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APSS Trento. Extension of the suspension of meetings with the ISF, in violation of Legislative Decree 44 of 1 April 2021
Following the approval of the DECREE-LAW of 1 April 2021, n. 44 "Urgent measures for the containment of the epidemic from COVID-19, regarding…
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First floor
APSS Trento. Extension of the suspension of the meetings by the Scientific Representatives of the drug
In order to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus SARS-CoV2 infection, given the persistence of the pandemic emergency and in analogy with…
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Covid, Maiellaro (Ugl Basilicata Chimici): "Scientific reps have skills to make available"
NewTuscia – POTENZA – 17 November 2020 We receive and publish. "The Scientific Representative of the drug must be considered a consultant of the…
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First floor